Hurting Poem by Teens

This poem is basically about depression and feeling alone. It's about hiding your feelings from the world and putting on an act every day until you get home and break down. This poem talks about how I feel right now.

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A World Of Pain


Published by Family Friend Poems May 2013 with permission of the Author.

I'm living in a world of pain.
I'm living a world of hurt.
I'm living in a world of sorrow.
Hiding behind a wall,
I fake a smile and cover my scars,
Hoping to hide all emotions from friends.
I hide my pain behind a fake smile,
my scars under a jacket,
and as for my tears,
I just hold them in,
waiting till the night when I can drown my sorrows in a pillow.
I am alone in this world.
A world of sorrow and pain.
A world of disappointment and grief.
I'm stuck in a horrible world,
and I don't know what to do.


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