Short Friendship Poem

A Best Friend For Life

A best friend forever is forever and always. They will be there to share your pain and joy until your dying day and beyond.

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I'm 13 years old and kept on crying for a long time. This poem put me in a different mood, took me to a different world of peace.

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Best Friends Forever


Published by Family Friend Poems October 2007 with permission of the Author.

I'll stand by your side
Help fight all your fights
And never leave you alone
And when you cry
I'll get a cup and let you fill it up
And dump it in the ocean
And we can sit and watch as your pain floats away
And when you are happy I'll capture it in a glass and when you are blue I'll pull it out and show you
And when you are old and dying I'll be by your side crying
And when you're gone
I'll close your eyes
And whisper to you
See you on the other side


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Deepu Sarma by Deepu Sarma
  • 3 years ago

I'm 13 years old and kept on crying for a long time. This poem put me in a different mood, took me to a different world of peace.

  • Ariana by Ariana
  • 9 years ago

This poem really touched me. It made me think of the day I met my best friend. I used to live in Alaska you see but this year I moved all the way to Massachusetts. I've never moved before so for me it was the hardest move of my life. All my friends behind, and going to a new school where I would know nobody. Horrible yeah first day wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Instead it wasn't that bad because it was the day I met my best friend. It was pretty easy to meet him we ended up being in the same class and sitting right next to each other. His name is Vinny and he backflips! He's tiny but he's also mighty and strong. He's my best friend because no matter what he always makes me laugh and smile. I know it's only been a couple of months for me but since I met him my life has changed a lot. I can't ever imagine never seeing him again because he's an amazing best friend and nothing could change that. Well that's my story I hope you all enjoy !

  • Kimberly by Kimberly
  • 10 years ago

I have a friend that has been there for me forever and when I got in a fight with someone she would come in and back me up and we have know each other since first grade but my other friend has also always been there for the both of us and I have know her since pre-k and we are true sisters.

  • Summer Batten by Summer Batten
  • 13 years ago

My best friend is 13 years old and a awesome companion she was always there for me before I moved schools and if she ever reads this I hope she remembers me love forever, Summer

  • Rosalinda by Rosalinda, Hereford Texas
  • 14 years ago

My best friend Melissa of age 34 is diagnosed with lung cancer and has spread to her liver. We have been in and out of the Cancer Center with her appointments and the last visit was a week ago and she was doing good, but there has been a turnfall and she is now in the Hospital. She will be going into a surgery tomorrow and the doctors say there's a 50\50 chance of her going through with it. She has 4 beautiful kids they are my nieces and nephews and I feel for them, they have also been through a lot. I pray for her and will always be there for her even when she's gone with the Lord, I will continue to help her in any way I can. 18 Years of friendship is all I have to keep in my heart when she leaves us.... I Love you Melissa!

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