Children Poem

Poem Sharing Hopes For Unborn Child

A letter written by a mother to her unborn child wishing it to have all of the best of both of its parents.

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Wow what a beautiful poem. I already have a son with my ex hubby and things have been an uphill battle for us since me and his dad separated. He wrote us off and left me to fend for our...

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A Love Letter To My Unborn Child


Published by Family Friend Poems February 2006 with permission of the Author.

I write this letter to my unborn child from the depths of my soul.
You've entered my womb and made my life complete and whole.
I never thought I would be chosen for such an awesome task.
It is a greater blessing than what I ever could ask.
I can almost imagine you in my mind.
Beautiful, happy, bouncing, flashing a smile so kind.
Feeling you flutter is a sensation like no other.
It does wonders for the joy of this soon-to-be-mother!
You create a glow in me I never knew I would see.
It is true happiness that sets me on cloud nine, manifested deep inside of me!
You're my baby, my child, my heart, and my wonder.
I pray we create a bond that no one can put asunder.
You're a designer's original! A creation from the King!
I can hardly wait for you to enter the world and see the joy you bring.
Sweet baby of mine, you're a magnificent gift from above.
Living proof of how your father and I have shared our love.
I hope you have your father's eyes.
Then you will go into the world able to look at all things wise.
I hope you inherit my ability to plan.
With that you will be able to face all things in life as a strong woman or man.
I hope you receive from your father his selfless ways.
For this the Heavenly Father will bless you, as he did him, all of your days.
I hope you learn from my spirit and let no one take it.
Believe me, you will need it in life, and many will try to break it.
But with that spirit you must have your father's center.
With that you will be cautious of any door you enter.
I want you to have my curiosity. 
There's nothing wrong with questions you may blurt!
But receive your father's discernment,
So you'll know when to let go before getting hurt.
Have my big heart; know what emotions are and how to be real.
Share your father's strength so you can handle what you feel.
Share my sense of humor! Laugh a lot; it helps you through life.
Share your father's sense of duty. Know how to be serious and take strife.
I'm emotional, so I tell you it's okay to blubber once in a while like your Mom.
But learn to develop what your father has, an excellent sense of calm.
But most of all the things, I wish for your father and I to share.
I wish we teach you to love, respect, strength of mind, and to care.
These are my feelings, wishes, and hopes for you. 
You make my heart and soul sing!
I welcome you to the world and thank you for the joy,
My little queen or king.


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Has this poem touched you? Share your story!
  • Hilda by Hilda
  • 9 years ago

Wow what a beautiful poem. I already have a son with my ex hubby and things have been an uphill battle for us since me and his dad separated. He wrote us off and left me to fend for our child. I am expecting my second child and the father also just started to pull funny stunts on us so I have had it hard . I needed to read this to remember what being a mom really means. I love you my nunu and I cannot wait to meet you .

  • Conakry by Conakry
  • 11 years ago

I am 24 weeks and this poem had me in tears it's so beautiful. I love my unborn child so much I'm so honored to be his mum can't wait till he is here. It'll be so much fun. Thank you so very much for putting my feelings in words.

  • Reynauldz K Kadok by Reynauldz K Kadok, Entebbe
  • 11 years ago

Dear author, charge me for plagiarism but I just inserted my own words..the wishes I want to spell on my coming boy and I am now going to read it to my wife. Our baby is less than 2 weeks away and all this time I have been telling him my heart felt emotions but your piece has made it even more helpful! Thank you! Be blessed

  • Zoe Essex by Zoe Essex
  • 11 years ago

This poem has pulled on my heart strings I am 22 and have been with my partner since I was 16, we tried for a baby for 4 and a half years and finally after negative tests and a miscarriage, we have been blessed!!! I'm 10 weeks pregnant and having a baby is all I have ever dreamed about after being the youngest of 6 and the last to have a child, also having 18 nieces and nephews I felt worthless and unnormal. Now my world is complete and this poem is perfect!!

  • Brittany Rollin by Brittany Rollin, Niagara Falls Ontario
  • 12 years ago

That was so beautiful ! I found out that I am now 13 weeks pregnant, after my boyfriend and I tried for a few months to get me pregnant, and after three false negatives and a lot of tears, we finally have our reason for happiness <3 I love my unborn child so much, and to the woman who wrote this poem, Thank you. Thank you for putting into words what so many of us cry over trying to explain. Thank you for shedding light on the true, natural beauty of an unborn child.

Welcoming our little one in April 2013 :)

  • Sarah Fields by Sarah Fields, Eustace Texas
  • 13 years ago

I am 4 months pregnant by the man I have been with for 2 years. We tried for 2 months. Finally I'm going to be a mother. I'm nervous, scared, happy, and excited all at once. I never felt so alive in my life. It's crazy how a child can change things. As well as make you become more of an adult. Our love is so strong through the 2 years we have struggled to be together. We have went through so much. But we finally made it. Now we have our child of love on the way to complete our family.

  • Andiswa by Andiswa, South Africa
  • 15 years ago

I am 26 weeks and this poem had me in tears it's so beautiful....

  • jamie by jamie
  • 15 years ago

Aww that made me tear because I am only 2 months pregnant and whoever wrote this poem God bless them :] peace .

  • melissa by melissa
  • 15 years ago

I was so touched by this poem..I was in tears , I am 7 months pregnant and I just love it.

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