Special Friend Poem

What is a friend? What can a friend do for you, and what you can do for your friend?
I wrote this for a friend who helped me over some really bad times.

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This poem touched me because I have a best that is the most loving ,and giving and selfless and honest person I know. My girl is truly what best friends are, she has always been there for my...

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For A Friend Who Helped Me

© more by Gillian E. Jones

Published by Family Friend Poems April 2008 with permission of the Author.

A person who will listen and not condemn,
Someone on whom you can depend.
They will not flee when bad times are here.
Instead, they will be there to lend an ear.
They will think of ways to make you smile
So you can be happy for a while.
When times are good and happy thereafter,
They will be there to share the laughter.
Do not forget your friends at all,
For they pick you up when you fall.
Do not expect to just take and hold.
Give friendship back; it is pure gold.


more by Gillian E. Jones

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  • Kelly Bell by Kelly Bell, Lanark ON
  • 10 years ago

This poem touched me because I have a best that is the most loving ,and giving and selfless and honest person I know. My girl is truly what best friends are, she has always been there for my new husband and I. My husband Trevor has M.S. and we are both in and out of wheel chairs. My girl Lesli just helped us have the most amazing wedding day I could have ever imagined, I really don't think she has any idea how special she made this day for us, we would not have had that special if it was not for her. She put up with all my freaking out, brought me back to earth when I was crazy over things. She has been my rock, my moral support my shoulder, but not just my wedding she has been there through so much in my life. I want every one to know that Lesli is the best friend in the world I appreciate our friendship and everything she does for my family.

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