Depression Poem by Teens

Poem About Feeling Blank

Since I was ten, I have been struggling with getting my emotions under control. I could never seem to get a good grip on my depression. I go from not being able to get out of bed or get the tears to stop falling one day, to feeling blank and just going through the motions the next day. In this poem I talk about the way I feel on one of the days where I am blank.

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I know this feeling. Once I turned 11, I couldn't tell what feelings were real and which ones were fake. So when people asked about my feelings, I told them what they wanted to hear. It was a...

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A Feeling


Published by Family Friend Poems July 2016 with permission of the Author.

Days go by and I'm still blank.
No expression, no emotion, just numb,
Numb to the pains and the letdowns of each day.
I have love, and I am loved, but it's just not enough.
Give me happiness or joy.
Heck, give me sorrow and depression;
Just give me something to feel,
To feel so passionately and deeply.
I long for a feeling, a little reminder that I'm still alive.


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  • Alyssa Paige Riley by Alyssa Paige Riley
  • 8 years ago

I know this feeling. Once I turned 11, I couldn't tell what feelings were real and which ones were fake. So when people asked about my feelings, I told them what they wanted to hear. It was a mistake, so now I'm still confused. No one can see the real me anymore; all they see is what they want to see. Now almost each night I cry till I fall asleep. Also I feel blank and want to feel some true emotion at least once.

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