Short Sad Love Poems

Published: October 2020

Short Poems About Heartbreak

When we give someone our heart, there is always a chance it will get broken. We never want that to be the outcome, but too often it is. Dealing with a breakup or unrequited love is crushing. These short poems capture the despair experienced when a relationship does not work out. Even though these poems are short, the expressed emotions are powerful. Dealing with heartbreak is always a heavy and draining experience. We hope these poems remind you that you’re not alone.

39 Short Poems About Heartbreak

  1. Someday You'll Miss Me Like I Missed You

    • By Summer
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2011 with permission of the Author.

    It made me get a lot off my chest, so now I'm good and over him.

    in Breaking Up Poems

    Someday you'll miss me like I missed you.
    Someday you'll cry for me like I cried for you.
    Someday you'll want me back like I wanted you.
    Someday you'll understand why you broke my heart when I didn't.


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    This poem reminded me so much of myself. I was a mess when my ex left me but then I cut him off and now he gives me sad eyes like he's so sorry but I don't fall for it, he hurt me too many...

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  2. Love Is A Mirror

    • By Quinn
    • Published by Family Friend Poems August 2017 with permission of the Author.

    There was a girl that I put all of my love into but got nothing in return.

    in Betrayal Poems

    A sharpened dagger stabbed in his heart,
    Ripping in two, ripping apart.
    It took only a few words, but her words cut him deep,
    Stealing emotions, making him weak.


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    I just recently recovered from a heartbreak - a betrayal from a lady l invested all my emotions and mind. It was so hard for me to believe l got betrayed by someone l bet my life on. l was...

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  4. Without You

    • By Dawn
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 2016 with permission of the Author.

    This is a poem I wrote for my boyfriend who is incarcerated!

    in I Miss You Poems

    All these days and nights without you here,
    It's a little bit more than I can bear.

    The days are cold and so very long.


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    The first time I had a boyfriend, we dated 6 years (basically from when I was in 4th grade until now). Very recently, we broke up because he was always busy, and I hardly saw him. Now that...

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  5. Your Touch

    • By Dan
    • Published by Family Friend Poems October 2017 with permission of the Author.

    This wasn't written for anyone in particular. Hopefully it will make someone feel better who is going through a breakup.

    in Breaking Up Poems

    Over the years I've been through so much,
    But it all seemed worth it when I first felt your touch.
    In the blink of an eye you've gone away.
    All that's left are memories of yesterday.


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    Thanks so much for this poem. It really express my feelings. I'm trying to heal from a breakup with someone I've been dating for 3 years. The breakup just happened a few weeks ago. I'm so...

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  7. The Pain Of Goodbye

    So many times I've had to say goodbye, and I know from experience that the person may be gone, but the pain of goodbye stays.

    in Goodbye Love Poems

    I could fill the oceans with the tears I've cried
    Or cover the entire earth with blankets of failed tries.
    Countless times what I thought was truth became a lie.
    Everything is falling apart, and I'm sick of asking why.


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  8. Drowning

    • By Amy O Connor
    • Published by Family Friend Poems October 2020 with permission of the Author.

    This poem comes from Amy O Connor's poetry book, A Beautiful Complexity. The poem explores the overwhelming and sometimes suffocating nature of intense emotions, particularly in the context of love and heartbreak. The poet describes the waves of their feelings for someone and how these waves can suddenly pull them under and leave them gasping for air, unable to escape the depths of their emotions. The poem portrays a sense of powerlessness in the face of strong feelings and the struggle to stay afloat amidst the turmoil.

    in Short Poems

    They come in waves,
    my feelings for you.
    And not pretty whitecaps
    dancing at my feet.


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  9. Snowflakes

    • By Sabina Laura
    • Published by Family Friend Poems January 2021 with permission of the Author.

    in Short Poems

    I caught snowflakes
    on my fingertips
    but they melted
    to my dismay.


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    Awesome. When more of us realize that, the better off we all will be. I really like this poem.

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  10. When We

    • By Dana Schwartz
    • Published by Family Friend Poems February 2013 with permission of the Author.

    This is written from experiencing a marriage and several relationships with a "bad boy." My home girl and I have spent years watching, waiting, and standing behind our ol' men who have lied, cheated, abused, been locked up, and taken us for granted. It seems like an endless cycle until we either win, lose, give up, or die.

    in Hurting Poems

    When all we hear are the empty promises and lies
    That leave behind broken hearts and shattered lives,
    When trust is gone and hope is lost,
    What are we fighting for and who really pays the cost?


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    I have been dating a guy for 3 years, and recently I moved out of state to pursue college. Ever since I moved he feels that there's no trust between us, and he makes petty excuses as to why...

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  11. Without You

    • By Daniel X. Wofford
    • Published by Family Friend Poems October 2016 with permission of the Author.

    I feel lost when I'm without my girlfriend, whether because of an argument or we work opposite schedules. She is my world and I love her. I'm 20 years old and adopted. Love never came easy to me and neither has trust. So when I fall in love, I fall fast. Anxiety and depression overtake my body when I'm without her.

    in I Miss You Poems

    Without you, days seem endless.
    Without you, my nights are lonely.
    Everything seems so empty.
    Only with you I know I will be fine.


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    Sweet memories. experiences always make a man complete. Real chivalry is in maintaining this beautiful relationship while you or she is alive. Difficult - yes, but not impossible. God bless...

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  12. Empty

    • By Vincent
    • Published by Family Friend Poems February 2011 with permission of the Author.

    After months of being lied to, being able to trust again doesn't come easy. I write to vent and to collect my thoughts.

    in Betrayal Poems

    Feeling down, alone, and empty inside,
    Decisions to make but can't decide.
    Hurt from pain of a broken heart.
    Days go on as if they are dark.


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    Everyone will hurt you. You just have to find the ones worth suffering for. If he went to that extent, clearly you mean something to him. I am no therapist or doctor, but everyone deserves a...

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  13. What Healing Is Meant To Look Like

    • By Blake Auden
    • Published by Family Friend Poems October 2020 with permission of the Author.

    I’ve been holding on to little fragments of you for a long time, because I could never bring myself to let you go all at once.

    But deep down, I know I need to let go of these pieces. I can’t move on when I’m living next to these reminders of the people we were - the way we wrapped ourselves in each other. I don’t know what healing is meant to look like, but this feels like a good place to start.

    in Short Poems

    I don’t know
    what healing
    is meant
    to look like,


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    I'm very fond of short, powerful, poems, and this is one for sure. Recovery can be the hardest thing we do, but it's always, always, worth it. Good write/read.

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  14. Just The End

    • By S.L. Gray
    • Published by Family Friend Poems January 2021 with permission of the Author.

    in Breaking Up Poems

    I regret the end.

    The way we couldn't
    leave one another


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    Wow! Good job. Sometimes hindsight will have us saying "What if?" And in the final review of an ended relationship, there may have been something else we could have done to make things work...

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  15. Put Heartbreak To Rest

    in Short Poems

    Put heartbreak to rest.
    Untangle your soul
    from its tight grip.
    Say goodbye to the


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    These are the word I needed just to be in peace. I have experienced broken relationship ties from friendship ties, family ties and relationship ties. It's hard to let go, but I have to....

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  16. A Triolet Of Heartbreak

    Losing someone you love is always heartbreaking, whether it's through death or the end of a relationship. I have chosen to write about it in the form of a triolet.

    A triolet is a poem written in a set form consisting of eight lines with a rhyme scheme of only two rhyme endings and certain repeated lines. Specifically ABaAabAB - the capitals signify repeated lines, the other letters signify matching rhyme endings.

    in Loss Poems

    Why did you have to go away
    and leave me with a broken heart.
    I prayed and prayed that you would stay,
    why did you have to go away.


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  17. Dear Heart

    • By Barbara Bailey
    • Published by Family Friend Poems July 2011 with permission of the Author.

    My poem is about what the heart feels when it's been broken by a cheating boyfriend.

    in Cheating Poems

    Dear heart, please stop breaking.
    Please forget the one who caused this aching.
    I know I am the one who placed him there,
    But he was not true and I cannot share.


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    I was in love. He was the love of my life. We spent every day together. And then everything started to change. He stopped calling me. He took hours to reply. I pushed it off. His best friend...

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  18. The Weathering Of Love

    • By Quinn
    • Published by Family Friend Poems August 2017 with permission of the Author.

    There was a girl that I loved dearly, but she loved another man.

    in Lonely Poems

    I'm sorry I love you as more than a friend,
    But the love that I have doesn't come to an end.
    You dwell in my thoughts, and to my mind I will keep
    A love that's for you, a love I hide deep


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  19. Reality

    • By Keioma Livan
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2015 with permission of the Author.

    Have you ever been in love with someone who, for some reason or another, just can't love you back or at the least can't love you the way you want them to? If so, this is the poem for you.

    in Hurting Poems

    Just saying your name makes me realize
    how much meaning you add to my life.
    I watch your actions every day
    and long to hold and kiss you when I'm awake,


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    Younger days, softer hearts, loving Eyes. You and I were so in love with each other. We wanted our love to last for eternity, but I left. I loved you childishly. I broke your heart so many...

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  20. My Love Is Gone

    The hardest thing is losing the love you have.

    in Heartbreak Poems

    Lord, hear my prayer oh so dear.
    My heart is aching; my mind isn't clear.
    My love has left me; it hurts my soul.
    Without that love, I don't feel whole.


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    I know how you feel. My boyfriend left me last summer. Today would have been our anniversary. I feel so empty without him. I tried dating again, but he's always on my mind. I loved him, I...

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  21. The Time Between

    • By Amy O Connor
    • Published by Family Friend Poems October 2020 with permission of the Author.

    in Short Poems

    Somewhere between
    hello and goodbye
    a whole life happened.
    And now, I am left to wonder


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  22. I Thought Wrong

    • By Elizabeth V. Zander
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 2017 with permission of the Author.

    This is about how you can have someone you truly love hurt you and break your trust but still try to avoid the voice inside of you saying that you need to move on. This story is based on a real experience in my life.

    in Betrayal Poems

    I thought you were my everything.
    I thought you were what I longed for.
    I thought you loved me.
    I thought wrong.


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    From a personal standpoint as an older person (51), the words, "I was wrong," come into play more than I would like. The rethinking of everything is sometimes worse than the original event. ...

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