Poems For Elementary Students (Grades 3-6) - Page 2

  1. Spring

    • By Camille Gotera
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 2013 with permission of the Author.

    The reason I wrote this poem was because I absolutely hate winter and love spring time. This is mostly because everything is dead in the winter- there's no life. And I'm a very sensitive person, so just the atmosphere of winter makes me sad. Another reason is because I had been through a bad experience- relationship wise- over the winter, and I feel that spring time is a clean new start. No more depressing poems and songs! :)

    in Spring Poems

    Analysis of Form and Technique

    When the cold, harsh winter has given its last breath,
    When the sky above shows life instead of death,
    When the claws reaching to the frozen sky become decorated with leaves,
    When the animals -long in hiding- scurry from trees,


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  2. Candy Tree Shops

    • By Beryl L Edmonds
    • Published by Family Friend Poems August 2019 with permission of the Author.

    As I enjoy reading and writing limericks, it was a delight to see that limericks are one of the four poetry forms in the 2019 Summer Poetry Contest. Children love poetry with some humour and a rhythmic beat. I hope to have gotten that right in these limericks I've written for children to read and hopefully enjoy. Five Limericks, each having a line syllable count of 10,10, 5, 5, 9.

    in Funny Poems for Kids

    If ice cream could be grown on the tree top,
    Tiny tummies would be liking it lots.
    Any fruit flavour
    For all to savour.


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    Thank you for the congratulations on my winning the Summer Poetry Contest, Brother John. Winning was an unexpected surprise. To my mind, all of the entries were worthy winners. Yours I...

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  4. Books

    • By Sanya Tandon
    • Published by Family Friend Poems October 2011 with permission of the Author.

    This poem is very close to my heart because it's the very first time I have composed a poem on my own. This poem shows that books are the indispensable resources which help us to flourish our personality and also widen our thinking.

    in School Poems For Kids

    My best friend is a book
    that doesn't give me a weird look.
    It is like a golden door
    that takes me to the land where I have never been before.


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    One of my best friends are books. Thanks for this poem, you are a really good poet.

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  5. Fossils

    • By Colin West
    • Published by Family Friend Poems September 2021 with permission of the Author.

    This lighthearted poem titled "Fossils" explores the humorous idea of what colors extinct prehistoric animals could have been. The speaker playfully ponders whether the Pterodactyls, Brontosaurus, Stegosaurus, Tyrannosaurus Rex, Archaeopteryx, and Woolly Mammoth were sporting bright colors like purple, puce, or shocking pink. The poem highlights the fun and imaginative nature of pondering about the unknown and the whimsical world of dinosaurs and other ancient creatures.

    in Poems for Kids

    O, its bones may be colossal,
    But the trouble with a fossil
    Is that it doesn’t give a clue
    As to the creature’s actual hue.


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    I just love the poem. I had been feeling a bit low, and then I read your poem and the world felt like a brighter place. Thank you.

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  7. Travel For Fun

    in Poems for Kids

    I want to travel around the world for fun,
    And see different lands, one by one.
    But I would not like to travel by aeroplane, train, or by car -
    I would like to have a magic carpet that will take me afar.


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  8. Dreambeast

    • By Mark Bird
    • Published by Family Friend Poems September 2021 with permission of the Author.

    in Inspiring Poems for Kids

    If you have a dream
    that won’t go away
    that gnaws at your toes
    with each waking day.


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    This poem has touched my heart and motivates me to chase my dreams. The overall impression gives in-depth insights about the writer's journey that sheer hard work and resolute nature will...

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  9. Wise Words

    in Poems for Kids

    A book is not a window
    nor is it a magical key
    a book’s not a path
    through a mountain


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    The child knows best... A book's a story waiting to be read Taking one to where their feet never tread Be it fact or fiction whatever's told It's a mystery about to unfold.

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  10. Best Birthday Ever!

    • By Zorian Alexis
    • Published by Family Friend Poems August 2019 with permission of the Author.

    This is an ABC poem about getting the perfect birthday gift after asking for it for many years.

    in Animal Poems for Kids

    "Amazing!" was all I could say
    Because I finally got my puppy today.
    Chocolate brown with soulful eyes,
    Definitely the perfect birthday surprise.


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  11. If I Were A Hero

    • By Shayan Das
    • Published by Family Friend Poems August 2019 with permission of the Author.

    This poem depicts the desire of a child to be a hero. He wishes to do something good for the world like his favorite fictional heroes (here, Avengers). To him, his happiness would be in its zenith if he could be like them. The poem is strictly penned in ABC form. Please read it aloud, keeping the flow and rhythm in order to enjoy more. Hope you will like the poem and the mode in which it is crafted.

    in Poems for Kids

    Above huge hills if ever I could rise,
    Beyond the gravity as Iron Man flies.
    Climbing and hanging if towers I could touch,
    Dashing as the Spider-Man, if fingers were such.


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    As a young child, I dreamt of being Superman. For me, other superhero could match him. I'm retired, but if I were still teaching, this would be an ideal fun poem with plenty to discuss in the...

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  12. The Sugar-Plum Tree

    Famous Poem

    “The Sugar-Plum Tree” is a perfect “bedtime story” for children about sweet treats that make up an imaginary town. Eugene Field (1850-1895) wrote “Funny Fancies,” a humorous column for the St. Louis Journal. He also became known as the “Poet of Childhood” because of his children’s poetry.

    in Famous Children Poems

    Have you ever heard of the Sugar-Plum Tree?
    'Tis a marvel of great renown!
    It blooms on the shore of the Lollypop sea
    In the garden of Shut-Eye Town;


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  13. The Dragon

    • By Nicole Q. Wong
    • Published by Family Friend Poems January 2020 with permission of the Author.

    I'm 11 years old, and I love to write poems. This particular one is about not judging things by how they look. In the poem, the narrator meets a dragon, who unknowingly taught "me" about not judging a book by its cover.

    in Inspiring Poems for Kids

    A misunderstanding I've had
    Was that a dragon was bad.
    With his sharp claws, his look of death!
    Not to mention his fiery breath,


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  14. A View Of A Cat

    • By Stephanie
    • Published by Family Friend Poems March 2009 with permission of the Author.

    Hi I'm Steph. I love writing poems and stories. I feel like I can create a new world whenever I write. I love cats, that's what made me write this cute little concrete poem.

    in Pet Friend Poems

    sleep on
    your bed, making
    it my own, and


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    My son, age 9, loves all things cat. He's currently taking a drama class and has to read a poem. This is the one he chose. I just hope he can make it through the poem without giggling. He...

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  15. Summer Fun

    • By Kathy Murphy
    • Published by Family Friend Poems July 2019 with permission of the Author.

    After being cooped up in school for so long, children are eager to experience the joys of summer. Freedom has arrived! The cell doors have been unlocked! There is so much fun to pack into three short months. Ready, set, go!

    in Poems for Kids

    The warmth of the sun,
    Faces all aglow.
    It's time for summer fun
    As the happy faces show.


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  16. They Should Have Made Me Inside Out

    • By Mark Bird
    • Published by Family Friend Poems December 2022 with permission of the Author.

    in Inspiring Poems for Kids

    My face is plain
    My eyes are wrong
    My brain is big
    My heart is strong


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  17. Free To Be You!

    • By Lavonna N. Sinclair
    • Published by Family Friend Poems August 2018 with permission of the Author.

    Growing up, the things that were told to me about how I look and what I should do or shouldn't do were directed towards me negatively and were very hurtful. I understand how it feels not to feel free in your own skin. So this poem is a celebration for all of those struggling with some of the same issues I went through and learn to love themselves. This is a great poem for teachers/parents to discuss with a child.

    in Inspiring Poems for Kids

    I see you there, hiding in the dark.
    Don't be afraid, I am here to help.
    Look closely, don't you know me?
    You see how I walk and talk; I am Unique!


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  18. The Thing!

    I was always fascinated by monster movies when I was young. I must've seen every one made in the 1950s and 60s. Other than drawing them, I never did make one. This is a story about a guy who actually makes a monster and the problems he faces afterwards. I wrote this in 1967 for boys in their pre-teems. It has some dark humor and may be a little icky in parts, but kids like that kind of thing.

    in Funny Poems for Kids

    I once set out to make a fiend,
    A gruesome thing that no one's seen.
    A massive gore of teeth and claws
    With sixteen eyes and monster paws.


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    It's like the story of Frankenstein. The rhyme is very fantastic and word choice is pleasing to the atmosphere of the poem. The ending is very dramatic; that seems to me the best part of...

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  19. Listen To Mum

    • By John P. Read
    • Published by Family Friend Poems August 2019 with permission of the Author.

    A limerick regarding my school days (or should I say fooling around playing truant days). It's only later on in life you realize a good education is the key to success.

    in Inspiring Poems for Kids

    I remember when I was small and cool,
    I was always playing truant from school.
    My mum used to say,
    "You'll regret it one day


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    It's only now that I'm older I realise my school years were the best days of my life. If only I could turn back time.

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  20. Ants At A Glance

    • By Shiju Sugunan
    • Published by Family Friend Poems March 2020 with permission of the Author.

    I've written this poem for my eleven-year-old's school. An attempt at making children observe the nature around us and positively relate to the animal activities to make themselves better human beings.

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    Here's a rant
    About the tiny ant.

    We see them parade in an orderly line,


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  21. A Daydream

    • By Lolo T. Frenchie
    • Published by Family Friend Poems April 2017 with permission of the Author.

    A daydream can help people take control of their lives and give them hope.

    in Inspiring Poems for Kids

    A daydream
    A world of extreme
    A fantasy place
    Or even outer space


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    I just got off the phone with my mom, and this poem made me smile

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  22. Magical Wishes

    in Poems for Kids

    If I were a magician with dancing eyes,
    I’d grant all your wishes for a smile.
    Sunny skies full of waltzing butterflies,
    New friends to share your toys (for a while).


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