Love Forever Poems
Published: January 2023

When you fall in love with someone, you hope it will last forever. You picture yourself by their side through all the ups and downs of life. Nothing gives you greater joy than the thought of holding their hand through the journey of life. You feel complete, secure, and like you can take on the world with them by your side. Their love gives you courage, strength, and happiness to take on each day. You take comfort in knowing that you will be together forever.
Love Forever Poems For Him And Her
[i Carry Your Heart With Me(i Carry It In]
Famous Poem
i carry your heart with me(i carry it in
my heart)i am never without it(anywhere
i go you go,my dear;and whatever is done
by only me is your doing,my darling)Featured Shared StoryI just heard this today and love, love, love this poem. I am not really a reader, especially poetry, though I do enjoy both and lived through that lens growing up. But I wouldn't generally be...
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Once during the elective courses I teach - visualisation of poems by different poets- one of my students made a video artwork with her own drawings, illustrating this poem. It is one of the...
When I Die I Want Your Hands On My Eyes
Famous Poem
When I die I want your hands on my eyes:
I want the light and the wheat of your beloved hands
to pass their freshness over me one more time
to feel the smoothness that changed my destiny.Featured Shared StoryWhile I feel the love that he has for his beloved, I find the last sentence of the last stanza of the poem physically difficult to read. It just feels awkward. It is very touching and...
Love So Amazing
My love for you is like the raging sea,
So powerful and deep it will forever be.
Through storm, wind, and heavy rain,
It will withstand every pain.Featured Shared StoryThis poem touched me because it reminds me of my boyfriend. We can't be together but we still climb mountains and swim the deepest oceans to be together because we love each other .
Words Are Not Enough
No words could ever tell you,
No action could express
The way I feel about you.
With you, my life is blessed.Featured Shared StoryLove is deeper than we think. It sounds easy but binds a lot together. That’s why when finding someone to love, we must make sure we get it from a perfect source, and that source is God. Love...
Forever Connected
Every moment we spent together
Has touched our lives, our souls forever.
The things we shared and learned
Is permanent growth we've earned.Featured Shared StoryBeautiful poetry. Love is a multifaceted thing. No matter what or how long loves lasts, love will always be a treasured part of our future and past. Love helps to shape who you become. Love...
From The Day I Met You
From the day I met you,
I never knew our love would be so pure and true.
Every time I see you, you make my heart skip a beat.
Since the day we got together, I have felt so complete.Featured Shared StoryI let her go, and I regret doing it. I feel like I'm someone else (not me). I feel broken, and I'm the one who broke me, so I'm so sorry for letting you go away. I still want and need her....
Eternal Emotion
As long as the birds are singing,
As long as the fish can swim,
As long as the sun keeps shining,
I will love you in the bright or dim.Featured Shared StoryThis is such a beautiful poem declaring the everlasting nature of love. Sounds very romantic. Thanks for sharing.
Thank You
You showed me love that's so true,
Gave me comfort to believe in you.
You stayed beside me and held my hand,
Taught me in hard times you're always there to understand.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
Until Forever Dies
Analysis of Form and Technique
This is us,
Never alone.
We have each other.
Whether in the same roomFeatured Shared StoryThat was a super fantastic poem and completely heart touching. Me and my boyfriend will be celebrating two years of our relationship next month and this poem is just so beautiful and perfect...
Till My Last Breath
I cannot promise
you that there will be no sad moments in your life,
But I promiseFeatured Shared StoryThis poem is so lovely, simple, truthful, and sweet. What a perfect poem to read as part of your marriage vows. If I ever do get married (at 68, probably never), but if I did, I would ask...
By My Side
You're my rock that held me up yesterday,
Listening to every word I have to say.
You're my shoulder that's getting me through today.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
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You And I
You and I have made a life together
You and I complement each other
You and I are best of friendsFeatured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
To My First Love
I want to see you live your dreams,
Achieve greatness and be happy,
And I want to be a part of your life when you do,
'Cause I keep imagining spending my life with you,Featured Shared StoryI love this poem I read it everyday.THIS IS SO MY LIFE
Everlasting Love
in Wife Poems
When that special feeling
You had from yesterday
Leaves you sad and reeling,
Count on me to stay.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
I Will Finally Let You Go!
These days, that moment haunts me,
That first moment we met.
You were a vision from the heavens
That I never would forget.Featured Shared StoryOh Ann, my heart goes out to you. I can only imagine the pain you must be in. Having a lifelong love is such a blessing but watching them be sick would be a torture. I feel stupid trying to...
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The Secret Garden
In a secret garden,
At a table just for two,
I'll be waiting, darling, waiting there for you.
We'll lock the gate behind us.Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
She Loved Him
She loved him without reason
and without cause
she loved him under water
and in the freezing cold of the deep winter monthsFeatured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!