Personal Heroes
Published: November 2017

Each of us have people we consider heroes. For some, that hero is a soldier, firefighter, police officer, or doctor. For others, it’s a single mom, hard-working dad, or other everyday people. What makes someone a hero? It’s someone who sacrifices for the well-being of others. They put the needs of others above their own wants and desires. Heroes are determined, courageous, and brave. In this collection, our poets highlight their own personal heroes. Who are your heroes?
6 Poems About Personal Heroes
Goodnight Our Hero
in Cancer Poems
To be brave is to cry
But still to fight on,
And that's what you did,
Our hero, our son.Featured Shared StoryI am so sorry. My great grandma died from cancer and so did my grandma. It must've been so hard for you. I can't imagine what you went through losing your son. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Memories Of My Dad
He wasn't a hero
Known by the world,
But a hero he was
To his little girl.Featured Shared StoryAwesome appreciation and wonderful thanksgiving to a father. No love and care can be compared with that of a father. My dad, too, is my friend and guide who always remains beside me and helps...
A True Hero
What makes a man a hero?
I've often thought this through.
It's someone who is macho?
It's someone who is true?Featured Shared StoryNo Stories yet, You can be the first!
A Different Kind Of Hero
A hero to me is not just a person who died for their country
or went inside a burning building or stuff like that.
A hero to me is a single mother who survives every day by herself,
A teenager against all odds getting through life,Featured Shared StoryI really connected with your poem. It was heart wrenching and it got me thinking about everything in my life and how we live. This is coming from a child born into a single parent home, so...
Coronavirus - Have You Seen
Have you seen the doctors who hardly get to sleep?
From sad weary eyes, silent tears they weep.
They're battling to save hundreds of lives,
Yet see so many dying right before their eyes.Featured Shared StoryThank you, Azeezah. Your response is most appreciated... Beryl
A Different Kind Of Hero
He is not the kind of hero who is fighting in the war.
He is not one who sails offshore.
I don't call him Sergeant, Captain, or Sir.Featured Shared StoryMe too, but my dad is always at the coast for his work. I miss him so much, and now he is never here for Father's Day. I wish he could stay at home with my family.