Troy Dayln Bunker


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    Poems by Troy Dayln Bunker

  • Not A Victim Anymore

    • Published: May 2016

    in Rape Poems

    Where once there was love, now only is pain,
    I'll never have innocence, ever again.
    He took it from me, my childhood,
    he took away, all that was good.


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    • Stories 11
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    • Votes 498
    • Rating 4.55
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    I was raped from 8 to 12 years old. I let it go on so long. And I remember I thought I was doing the right thing which was telling on him. My rapist was my mom's boyfriend. I remember feeling...

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  • Just My Mask

    • Published: November 2011

    in Hurting Poems by Teens

    Of course I'm fine, why do you ask?
    Oh, don't mind this, it's just my mask.
    It hides the grief, it hides the strife.
    I wear this mask to escape the knife.


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    • Stories 40
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    • Votes 1666
    • Rating 4.64
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    Thank you for your story.

    When I was nine years old, I was raped. And it continued for two years. I never told anyone because the man threatened to hurt my family. When I wrote this...

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  • Troy Dayln Bunker
  • 8 years ago

Thank you for your story.

When I was nine years old, I was raped. And it continued for two years. I never told anyone because the man threatened to hurt my family. When I wrote this poem, I was going through an extremely rough time. I was hiding everything from everyone. I was wearing a mask every day and never once felt like people could see the real me. My depression and PTSD got so bad that I was committed to an institution for attempting and nearly succeeding in killing myself. But eventually I learned how to take off the mask, how to let people see me and my trauma, and how to heal. It touches my heart that my poem has helped people in any way. I want you to know that things will get better. Not because you learn to live with your trauma, but because you learn to live in spite of it.

I hope things get brighter fast, my dear.

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  • Troy Dayln Bunker
  • 8 years ago

I just want you all to know that I have read every single submission on this poem, and that I am touched beyond words that it has reached so many people, if only in the capacity of giving voice to emotions.

Please know that some day you will find the place that fits you. The mask will fall off and you won't even feel the urge to retrieve it.

From author to readers, I hope that you find everything you could possibly want in life.

Troy Bunker

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  • Troy Dayln Bunker
  • 8 years ago

I just want to let you know that this touched my heart. I am glad beyond words that something I wrote was able to help your friend in any small way.

Please tell your friend that the author said stay strong, things will get better.

Thank you for taking the time to post this, I am always overjoyed to see how I was able to touch people's lives.

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  • Troy Dayln Bunker
  • 13 years ago

Thank you for this. This is exactly how I feel. I was always trying to put it in my own words, but you have done so better than I ever could. Once again, I thank you. People tell me that reading these will only make my depression worse, but the only time I feel even remotely better is when I find someone that feels the same. It tells me that at least I'm not the only one that has ever felt like this.

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