in God Poems
Darkness has beckoned me once more
The loss of a loved one tears at the core
Of my very heart and soul I scream
Dear Heavenly Father, give me the peace
Darkness has beckoned me once more
The loss of a loved one tears at the core
Of my very heart and soul I scream
Dear Heavenly Father, give me the peace
I read the cards and letters from loved ones I know
I find no condolence to weaken my woos
When off in the distance upon a nightstand I see
A book called the Bible that was given to me
Inside it read, "Whenever you feel lost and your soul is adrift
read this book for it's God's lasting gift."
Upon thumbing through the pages I started to cry
For there were verses that covered all feelings inside
And although I will miss the person that's gone
I know through this book it won't be long
before I will see this person once more
Thank you, Heavenly Father, for the peace you've restored
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