Poems by Susan Vidd

    1 - 10 of 11

  • The Little Painted Turtle

    • Published: April 16, 2024

    in Animal Poems

    It was merely happenstance
    As I walked about my home
    To note the movement in the grass
    Of a creature with a dome.


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  • My Ordinary Life

    • Published: March 29, 2024

    in Meaningful Poems

    I have experienced many things.
    But, really, my life is quite ordinary.

    I can talk, walk, dance and sing;


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    Featured Shared Story

    Dear Ann, Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement. This is my first time responding to anyone, as I am rather new at this. I know my work is rather elementary, but I am having...

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  • The Victorious Cockroaches

    • Published: September 4, 2024

    in Humorous Poems

    With dimming light and hours passed
    They are awakened and quickly amassed
    From within deep corners and underground
    In multitudes of numbers they are found.


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  • What Grows In Iowa

    This is another true story written in my simple and untrained poetic form. I am sure many people will relate if you have ever suffered from allergies. I hope you see the humor in this piece. Thank you for reading my poems.

    • pending
    • Posted on 06/08/24

    in Humorous Poems

    Riding down Interstate 80
    In the fall of 1971
    Headed for a new life
    Our marriage just begun.

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  • Red Morning Sky

    • Published: July 17, 2024

    in Ocean Poems

    The stillness is but a facade
    Calm and peace fleeting
    As I observe the clouds building
    And the sound of my own heart beating.


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    Featured Shared Story

    Hello fellow Lake Erie boater. I am thankful for your note. I know my poetry is very elementary, but I always try to base it on some personal experience. The Mentor Yacht Club is so...

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  • What Will You Remember?

    • Published: April 2021

    in Current Events Poems

    What will you remember
    of the days we could not play?
    When things were very different
    from just the other day.


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    Featured Shared Story

    Another lovely poem by you. Keep writing - I am very much enjoying your work.

    Best wishes, Ann.

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  • The Struggling Swallow

    • Published: May 8, 2024

    in Animal Poems

    Under a dock over the sea
    Nestled between a lake of debris,
    The young swallow spreads out its coat
    In desperation to stay afloat.


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    Featured Shared Story

    Such a touching story with a perfect ending. As you say, holding out a helping hand to those in need can achieve wonders. Very best wishes, Ann.

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  • Teddy Bears In The Window

    • Published: June 26, 2024

    in Current Events Poems

    In the year of 2020
    When life was full and plenty,
    A terrible plague besieged the world
    Chaos and sorrow worldwide unfurled.


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  • Ocean Ripple

    • Published: August 9, 2024

    in Ocean Poems

    Across the vastness of open sea
    Traveling onward incessantly
    Beginning with a breath of air
    From skies above with clouds or bare;


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  • Those Eyes, Those Eyes, Those Loving Eyes

    • Published: May 1, 2024

    in Pet Friend Poems

    I see you standing there.
    I feel your eyes on me.

    I resume my tasks, but there you are.


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