Shelly Bottoms Domenici

Shelly Bottoms Domenici

About Shelly Bottoms Domenici

I have been writing poems for years. I haven't written one for about 4 years. When my youngest brother passed away suddenly in August this year took me and my family for a loop. So a couple day after his death I just couldn't sleep so I got out my notebook and pen and began writhing when done I had wrote the poem. I read it at his service .He was 47 years old and on October 24th he would have turmed 48 and I will be 53. He was born on my 5th birthday we use to be like twins but 5 years apart. If I would cut a finger he would cut the same one as well we felt each other's pain at times. We were very close ( even tho he was my half brother) .i have 4 grand babies 2 boys 2 girls in which I adore. I love my family with my whole heart and more. I would move mountains for family friends and anyone else that needs help. In June I lost my dad July my uncle(my dad's brother) then in August my baby brother. It's been a very trying and rough road but with God by my side I will prevail.
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    Poems by Shelly Bottoms Domenici

  • For My Mama

    • Published: May 2019

    in Mother Death Poems

    You had a
    heart of gold
    and a
    beautiful soul.


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    • Stories 2
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    • Votes 106
    • Rating 4.60
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    This poem put tears in my eyes. I can totally relate to you as I lost my Mom 11 years ago, and I still have tough days. She too was my best friend and my hero. My Mom had a heart of gold and...

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  • For My Brother

    • Published: October 2018

    in Brother Death Poems

    You left without
    Gone so fast.
    Now all we have


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    • Stories 15
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    • Favorited 46
    • Votes 1486
    • Rating 4.59
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    I lost the closest person to baby brother, Bronson. We were only 13 months apart. We were best friends from the day he was born. We could talk without talking! (Our mom hated it)...

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Collections by Shelly Bottoms Domenici


  • Shelly Domenici, Orange Cove CA.
  • 5 years ago

Thank you. We are in the process of moving, and I'm having such a hard time due to the fact that there will be no memories at the new house.

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  • Shelly Domenici, Orange Cove CA.
  • 5 years ago

So sorry for your loss. You can share my poem whenever you'd like. Thank you so much for sharing it. I'm glad that it inspired you. Brought a smile to my face.

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  • Shelly Domenici, Orange Cove CA.
  • 5 years ago

It is a pain that is unexplainable. You see, I had lost my father in June, my uncle in July, then my baby brother in August. Then in December I lost my mom, which has just shattered my heart. I'm so sorry for your loss. My heart, pain, and prayers are with you and your family. God bless you, and thank you for sharing your story.

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  • Shelly Domenici, Orange Cove CA.
  • 5 years ago

This poem hit my heart heavy. I first lost my father in June 2018, then my father's oldest brother in July 2018. In August 20018, I lost my baby brother who was born on my 5th birthday. He passed suddenly. Then in December 2018, I lost my mom. She sacrificed so much to not only raise her 3 children but adopted my step dad's 2 children. She was 25 with 5 kids, and 3 were in diapers. She left my heart shattered, but I know she's in a better place. No more pain. She's free to fly with angels.

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