The Butterfly
in Animal Poems
The butterfly is a thing to behold,
with colors more beautiful than gold.
Flying hour by hour,
in Animal Poems
The butterfly is a thing to behold,
with colors more beautiful than gold.
Flying hour by hour,
You are so right!! I live in the country, where nature is so obvious around us. We need to take time to smell the roses. It's a beautiful feeling.
My mirror is broken, or at least it seems to be,
for today I discovered an old man staring back at me.
The face I recognized,
As we get older, we look back and realize that age gradually snuck up on us. Once we take the time to look in the mirror, it is a startled realization about the facts we must face. This poem...
As I look back to when I was but a boy,
I'd have to say a cardboard box was my favorite toy.
There were no action figures in this day,
There's a simple beauty to the falling rain.
The same kind of beauty you find in a child's smile or a flower covered hillside terrain.
The sound of the rain falling on the roof above
I reached out for your hand today,
only to realize you are so very far away.
I want to hug you,
in Short Poems
The turkey is an ugly bird, at least so I have heard.
What a shame it's one and only claim to fame
is a horrible ordeal
and that is to be the guest of honor at our Thanksgiving meal!
in Funny Life Poems
The alarm clock goes off and I hit snooze, wishing so much there was a button that says refuse.
I crawl out of bed trying to clear the cobwebs that have gathered in my head.