We Are All Human
I've lived quite a while and learned quite a bit
About life and this world where we live.
I've found that it's filled with both good and the bad.
Some who take, while some others will give.
I've lived quite a while and learned quite a bit
About life and this world where we live.
I've found that it's filled with both good and the bad.
Some who take, while some others will give.
in Regret Poems
The hardest part of getting old,
Is dealing with regrets,
Accepting there's no going back.
One chance is all I get.
I'm alone too, and it's mostly my own fault. I hate it, but it's trust. Grasping for youth at 54 is not how it should be.
in Summer Poems
The familiar rhythm of the cricket's chirps
Create the soundtrack for each day,
Echoing Summer's end
And that Autumn's on her way.
End of summer, yes, when my daughter goes outside and comes back in to ask, "How does the weather know it's back to school time?" when the chill in the morning air precedes the special crisp...
in Earth Poems
Outside my bedroom window
Stands an old majestic tree.
She's been standing there for decades,
Just as proud as she can be.
I'm reminded of a similar experience. When I was a young boy there was a pear tree on the edge of a field a couple hundred yards or so behind the house I was born and raised in. I would go to...
In the neighborhood where I was raised,
My life revolved around my friends.
And each day brought new adventures
And endless games of let's pretend.
When the time came again to visit her there,
He'd feel that dark sense of despair.
He could already picture her sweet, gentle face,
Marred by that sad, empty stare.
My fiance and the love of my life had passed from cancer one year ago. My heart is forever scared, but I must go on with my life and raise my four-year-old daughter.
I saw a shadow passing by,
Thinking it just a trick of the eye.
I turned on the light, but no one was there,
Though I noticed a fragrance, thick in the air.
Live in the moment,
Just take it all in.
Pay attention to everything,
Right there and right then.
That was touching. It really said my whole life. I'm too busy with everything and I'm memorizing this to my heart. I'm busy with school. I take too much time thinking about tomorrow than...
I'll post all those pictures of me having fun,
Wearing my happiest grin.
Add a few comments to enhance the effect,
And impress all my great Facebook friends.
The world outside is a wondrous place,
Filled with many miracles to see.
It's a place to hear and smell and feel.
It's a place so unfettered and free.