Parker C. Blair


About Parker C. Blair

Look at my work,
Please smile,
Or cry.
I wish I could convey better.
But I'm good for my lines.

Don't call me a fake,
I know you like trolls.
But my life is mine,
No matter the tolls.

Feel your heart.
Let it play.
Here is my work.
Forever will it stay.

I will one day be forgotten,
Be it in ten years or thousands.
Everything I feel,
It's here.
It's real.
These were my mountains.
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    Poems by Parker C. Blair

  • Valentine Lover

    • Published: February 2018

    in Romantic Valentine's Day Poems

    Heart beating fast.
    Love that is supposed to last,
    A day,
    A lifetime...


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    • Stories 0
    • Shares 395
    • Favorited 9
    • Votes 57
    • Rating 4.04
  • A Hoping Crush

    • Published: January 2014

    in Teen Crush Poems

    Your smile makes me smile,
    Your laugh makes me laugh.
    Your eyes are enchanting.
    You make my thoughts seem daft.


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    • Stories 12
    • Shares 12089
    • Favorited 117
    • Votes 2060
    • Rating 4.45
    • Poem of the Day
    Featured Shared Story

    It happened to me too but now I'm in college and he's in another college in Singapore, so I can't really see him, but sometimes whenever I'm feeling lonely and depressed, I would always close...

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  • Parker Blair, Texas
  • 6 years ago

Sometimes the best way to talk with someone isn't really with words. You can say so much with a gift or a poem or an action. Sometimes all you need are your eyes. If he really likes you, then he's as nervous as you are, maybe more! He'll totally understand your jitters. Or he thinks you don't like him.

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