in God Poems
Glory to our loving Lord, who is a
Mighty God and a faithful friend.
His divine love for us is pure and perfect,
and His great mercy knows no end.
Glory to our loving Lord, who is a
Mighty God and a faithful friend.
His divine love for us is pure and perfect,
and His great mercy knows no end.
God comforts those who are troubled,
and to the weak He gives strength.
He fills the empty souls with joy
and makes the anxious hearts content.
Our God binds the broken spirits,
and He will calm all our fears.
God meets us in the valley of weeping,
and with His love, He dries our tears.
Our faithful Lord hears our prayers,
and He sees our hurts and pain.
He shines His light in our darkness
and sends sunshine after the rain.
God is awesome and trustworthy.
He's an amazing God, like no other.
He walks with us through hard times
and sticks closer than any brother.
There's no problem God can't solve,
and there's no need He cannot meet.
God promises to always be with us,
and every promise given, He will keep!
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