A Tapestry Of Memories
A poem's but a whisper
That lingers on the breeze.
A few unspoken words
Appear like falling leaves.
A poem's but a whisper
That lingers on the breeze.
A few unspoken words
Appear like falling leaves.
in In Memory Poems
The days fade and die.
The years have flown by.
Loved ones have passed;
Now only memories remain.
in Dream Poems
I often lie awake at night
While the world is fast asleep
And take a stroll down memory lane
Where ghosts and shadows meet.
I want no flowers when I die
No one too mourn me
no one to cry.
I wish no sadness, at my demise
I understand how you feel Ann, it's what happens after everyone has left, those flowers are left to rot, I would rather give the money to charity.
God bless
I've never wished for fortunes,
I've always prayed for better things.
I'm happy and contented,
Never wanting to live like a king.
in Change Poems
Take me back to far off lands
where streams and rivers flow.
I want to leave this cold grey town.
It's no longer the one I know.
in Aging Poems
My head is full of words
all jumbled up inside.
But when I start to write,
those words don't seem to rhyme.
in Poems about Life Struggles
Awareness is wisdom
were truth wears a crown.
Where freedom is born
and lies make no sound.
in Poems about Life Struggles
Spring,summer,winter and fall,
the seasons of change
greet one and all.
in Meaningful Poems
As life unravels,be brave and bold,
Never criticise,neither grudges hold.
Live in harmony,with your fellow man,
Following nature,as our lord planned.