in Mother Death Poems
Sleep now, my angel, and rest your eyes.
Mommy must say her last goodbyes.
Please don't be sad, and please don't cry.
Mommy will give you the wings to fly.
Sleep now, my angel, and rest your eyes.
Mommy must say her last goodbyes.
Please don't be sad, and please don't cry.
Mommy will give you the wings to fly.
If you don't want to say goodbye,
Mommy will watch you and stand by your side.
Life is not fair, but please understand
Mommy's not far, I'm holding your hand.
I'll kiss you goodnight, chase monsters away,
Warm up your heart on a cold winter day,
Be the sun on your skin, the wind in your hair.
I'm never too far, I'm standing right there.
My time spent with you will long be a treasure
Of infinite leagues no ruler could measure.
Mommy must go, it's time to fly.
Take a deep breath and let out a sigh.
Live out your life and bid me farewell.
Find in your heart the strength to excel.
Your future is bright, you'll go far, my dear.
Don't get too sad, don't worry.
I'm here.
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