Take My Hand
in Prayer Poems
Take my hand, dear Lord
Wherever I may roam
To lead me each and every day
So I'll never walk alone
in Prayer Poems
Take my hand, dear Lord
Wherever I may roam
To lead me each and every day
So I'll never walk alone
Well done, Judy. Congratulations on another wonderful poem. I'm a fan. I look out for you on the review page to see what you've posted. God bless you, sister.
I'm going where the rainbows glow
And the clouds will never cry.
The sun will sit upon the Earth
To warm the heavens with its shine.
If I didn't know where you came from,
If you had a different name,
Or perhaps you were a different color,
I would still love you the same.
in Spiritual Poems about Death
A fine lady.
So gallantly strong,
She stands for the good,
The righteous, and God.
in Prayer Poems
Father, I thank you for the days and nights,
And thank you for this warm morning light.
For food and shelter, for your loving care,
And for all in this world that is good and fair.
in Change Poems
When worries and fears I claim for my own,
When I feel helpless and all alone,
When my deepest memories come to mind
And all my sadness I leave behind,
in Prayer Poems
Lord, help me be the Mother
You've chosen me to be,
One parent with a loving heart,
The mother of my three.
in Valentine Poems to Husbands
He's not a scented flower
That fades from day to day,
Nor is he a dozen roses
In a beautiful glass bouquet.
in Father's Day Poems
I can't call you my Father,
And you're certainly not my Pop.
I wouldn't call you PaPa
Because to me you're certainly not.