Hannah Smallwood


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    Poems by Hannah Smallwood

  • You, I Will Not Forget

    • Published: June 2013

    in Cancer Poems

    We haven't seen each other in a while
    But when I think of our memories I still smile

    You told me you had cancer like it was nothing at all


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    I understand how you feel, but please, my dear, lean on God and trust in God.

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  • You Left Me For No Reason

    • Published: March 2012

    in Hurting Poems by Teens

    You had me, you left me, you never cared.
    I was your second child and still you weren't prepared.

    On the lonely nights when I was sad,


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    • Stories 15
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    • Votes 657
    • Rating 4.58
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    I can totally relate to this. Reading this brought tears to my eyes. I had to fight to hold them back. My dad and mom left me at the age of 5. They divorced, and I was left. I had no idea...

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  • Hannah Smallwood
  • 11 years ago

This is a poem that I wrote with feeling and I am thankful that it touched you guys hearts. I appreciate you feedback:)

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  • Hannah Smallwood
  • 12 years ago

I really like this poem because my mom did drugs and left me with my dad when I was 15 months old. I am now 15 and never see her. She was never there for me when I was sick or hurt but I have a new mom that has been here with me since I was 15 months old but I always get in trouble by her...

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  • Hannah Smallwood
  • 12 years ago

This is a very good poem, it really touched my heart. My mother left me when I was 15 months old. I was allowed to stay with her until I was about five because she would always leave me at other peoples houses when my dad would let me stay the night with her. Anyways I'm glad you could kind of put what I'm feeling into words. Thanks for everything.

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