A God-Sent Gift, A Beautiful Wife
Your life on this earth has been a blessing to so many a soul
My dear wife, I hope that is something that you already know
I know what your life here has meant to me
Your life on this earth has been a blessing to so many a soul
My dear wife, I hope that is something that you already know
I know what your life here has meant to me
To my wife - thank you for allowing me to have a wife. May we grow old together.
in Wife Poems
My love for you is unconditional and enduring.
To you I promise to always be reassuring.
My love for you protects you and is honorable.
We often listen to jokes related to husband and wife ridiculing each other. I have always been taught to respect the wife from that core of the heart. That is the reason I could never enjoy...
in Wife Poems
I had walked through life with nothing until you; until you, I knew no pleasure.
And then one day God sent you to me; you, my wife, my treasure.
A gift from God, a gift so fine that you can never be measured.
This is such a touching poem. Thank you for sharing I am going to share this with my wife. Every word in this poem is how I feel. I hope this will bring our love even closer. Thank you for...
If the beauty of love were like a rose, it would be something that I would not need.
The beauty of true love is that it is warmth, kindness and devotion, it is powerful for all the world to see.
If the beauty of love were like the sun, it would have warmth, but day turns to night.
I am moved by the beauty that one man might write about his love for his wife.
in War Poems
When we married, who would have thought of the changes in our lives.
We were married one year, one month to the day when I made you a Marine Wife.
Things were tough; we had only been married a year.
in Faith Poems
Time, if I had all the time in the world I would have absolutely nothing.
It is not time itself that makes your life worth something.
In the time that I have, I will be kinder, gentler, and more giving.
This poem speaks to to me, I've lost my wife she wants a divorce and I'm doing my best to earn a second chance.
This poem says everything I want to say to my wife. I don't know when I'll...
in Wife Poems
I was blessed today in a special way
I was able to be with you all day
I got to watch you, admire you, adore you and appreciate your smile
Wow, what a beautiful poem. To feel that kind of love and then be able to express it in such a way that I actually felt warm inside reading it is amazing. You described your wife in such a...
in Wife Poems
I promise...
To take time for you and pursue you passionately,
And I promise to love you compassionately.
The most beautiful thing I have ever heard. It brought out more feelings for my wife than I have ever thought I would ever be able to show. The love I have for us is deep, but I've always...
I miss your touch, the smile on you face and the sound of your voice so sweet
I love as the day ends, to lie in each other's arms, to kiss you and to feel your heartbeat
I love to feel you in my arms as you sleep so peaceful and sweet
I met this woman who swept me off my feet. She was so charming and charismatic. In the time we've been together our devotion and loyalty has been tested. I would give my last breath for her...
in Wife Poems
I have to remember that true love is strong and enduring,
But it is true, there are times when the strong need reassuring.
You write me and say, "Danny, everything is fine, please don't worry." I thank you.
Yes, I do like this poem very much. It reminds me of someone special in my life.