Bethny Ricks

Bethny Ricks

About Bethny Ricks

Know that I appreciate you already, and there is a high probability that we are more alike than different. There is an even greater chance that our stories are similar. Because I believe we are all trying to heal, learn, and figure out how to show up in a filtered world authentically.

You should know that I am a mother, raising two children in an unpredictable life. I have been in corporate America for over 18 years, and because of these two items I have a deep affinity for coffee and naps. My journey has been unpredictable from what I originally outlined, resulting in a lot of unexpected shifts that left me limping. But God operates with precision and purpose, never a bystander. Never surprised.

Though my faith is in the forefront, like you, I am human. And there was a significant period of time when pain and hopelessness knew the outline of my name. I could not find my courage or voice as my world privately crumbled. Yes, this smile knows what it means to be operating in a fog, and playing to expectations song.

So I am here to talk and write, but also remind you that you are seen. You, my friend, are not alone.

    Poems by Bethny Ricks

  • God Is Still Right There

    • Published: March 2021

    in Faith Poems

    our weeping may only endure
    for the night, but
    even when joy finally drapes
    our sunrise


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    Featured Shared Story

    Lovely poem that touched my heart. God is always with us. He hears every prayer.

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  • Her Cup Never Ran Dry

    • Published: March 2021

    in Faith Poems

    no matter how weary
    she kept pouring

    but her cup never ran dry, for God


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    • Rating 4.42
  • You Are Enough

    • Published: March 2021

    in Inspirational Poems

    You are enough
    You have always been enough, and
    You will forever be


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    • Rating 4.14
  • Dear Diary

    • Published: November 2020

    in God Poems

    in my weeping, He is still good
    in my fear, He is still good
    in my weariness, He is still good
    in my pain, frustration, hurt, and shame


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