Inspirational Poem

Along the way I have learned a tough lesson: even in my imperfection I am still worthy of love, someone’s time, and a consistent feeling of wholeness.
My value is not connected to perfection, strength, or my ability to weather a storm. Which means that even on those days when I struggle to show up or feel ill-equipped, I am still a woman of worth and value

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You Are Enough

© more by Bethny Ricks

Published by Family Friend Poems March 2021 with permission of the Author.

You are enough
You have always been enough, and
You will forever be

no matter what you see
how you feel, or the lies you may


Bethny Ricks has been in corporate America for over 18 years. She is also a poet and mother of two children. She writes authentically and does not shy away from the pain and hopelessness she felt at one point in life. Although her life has taken many unexpected turns, she uses her experience with brokenness to bring hope to others. Her debut poetry collection, An Inconvenient Journey, is now available for purchase.


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