What Is Poetry?
There is more to poetry
Than rhythm and rhyme.
It's a window to our souls,
Undiminished by time.
There is more to poetry
Than rhythm and rhyme.
It's a window to our souls,
Undiminished by time.
Beautiful poem! Sometimes I question myself and if I have any business writing poems. Somehow I can see so much talent and beauty in other people's creation but fail to see the beauty in...
Let everyone gather
With no heartaches or tears.
Let the bright memories flow
From all the past years.
in Creative Poems
I had decided that it would awaken my muse
If I read the poems current publishers use.
When I looked at what is marketed now,
I couldn't help being puzzled, somehow.
in Divorce Poems
I will take those precious memories
And frame them with my love,
Then hang them in the hallways of my heart.
I hope the fond remembrance
in Aging Poems
When sleepless I lie,
As the hours slip by,
I go walking the paths back home.
I hear the meadowlark's song
We are never finished products,
No matter how long we live.
There's always something we can add,
Like learning to forgive.
in Compassion Poems
Perpetuating hatred--
It's happening every day,
While many who contribute
Would be the first to say,
If you have helped one single person
To overcome a prejudicial mind,
You have made an angel sing.
Is there anything as tranquil
As a brightly glowing jonquil
That stands in sweet serenity,
A part of nature's tapestry?
in Change Poems
What will it take to free this mind,
Imprisoned long in apathy,
Now reduced to mundane thoughts
That stultify activity?