I don't mind accolades
freely passed on my way,
I'll take encouragement
gladly, any given day.
I don't mind accolades
freely passed on my way,
I'll take encouragement
gladly, any given day.
A sleek and smart device,
Is taking everything out.
Little things and big things,
It's looking more like a rout.
in Prayer Poems
I desire, dear Lord,
To cultivate the habit,
Of keeping in touch with You,
Minute by minute.
Striving daily for progress,
Learning a paradox too --
That it's not always forward movement;
Sometimes, the reverse will do.
I've only just found this poem of yours - I like it very much. I must look out for more of your work. Very best wishes, Ann.
I can't prevent attitudes
from knocking upon my door,
but I decide which to let in
and which ones to ignore.
You've handled a rather sour subject with sweet grace. It's a lovely poem.
We need more poems like this. It's a message for the ages. You've shared with us, a really beautiful poem. Thank you.
Wow, true-to-life and relatable. I guess we've all been there, that particular point in time when there seems to be less clarity. Perhaps, it has something to do with us trying to carve our own paths in life when there is but One Way. I find it helpful to pray, be patient, and find my strength in God. It's such a lovely poem; you really have a gift. And I must say, that unique piece you penned - "To be happy," is truly beautiful.
Wow, a telling reminiscence. Looks like we've come a long way. But there is hope, especially with poems like this to remind and encourage us towards better living.
This is a beautiful poem. Its healing, hopeful and insightful message can help resolve interpersonal relationships. I really love this. Thank you for sharing.