Change Poetry Quotes

Making a change in your life can be terrifying. Your current reality may be unpleasant but at least it is a reality that you are familiar with. You may continue to cling to those very people or situations that make you the most unhappy. This is human nature. It is difficult to live with uncertainty and change is always uncertain. And yet, making a change for the better may be the most exhilarating decision of your life. Remember that feeling afraid is part of the experience. Embrace the fear. Reframe the fear as excitement and jump into your new life!

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Be Not Afraid Of Greatness From Twelfth Night By William Shakespeare


Be not afraid of greatness.
Some are born great,
some achieve greatness,
and others have greatness thrust upon them.

William Shakespeare

Don't Give Up Quote

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Always live without regret.
Don't give up, not now, not yet.
Know the future isn't set.
Appreciate what love you get.

- Carol Lafreniere

Take Nothing For Granted

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My life could change,
faster than a blink . . .
So I'll cherish and take nothing for granted,
not say things that shouldn't be chanted.

Amy D. Liskey

Quote Remembering Night Of Rape

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I feel so much stronger
than I have ever before.
I'm putting the night behind me
so I can open a new door.

- Elizabeth Murphy


Lifes Too Short To Waste

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too short to waste
opportunities you have
the chance to take.

- Poppy Cooke

Enjoy Your Individual Beauty

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Enjoy your individual beauty
and uniqueness;
never wish
that it would change.

- Geneveive C. Coulson

Stop And See The Joke

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Life can be a challenge;
of that there is no doubt.
But if we take a moment to stop and see the joke,
we can change our entire day.

Family Friend Poems

A Better Point Of View

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Sometimes we cannot manage,
but you always make it through.
Every step that you make
can lead to a better point of view.


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