Best Friend Poetry Quotes

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True Friends

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Best friends stick together
till the end.
They are like a straight line
that will not bend.

- Emily

Quote Showing Nothing Can Tear Friends Apart

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You are my best friend,
You belong in my heart.
We go through ups and downs,
But still nothing can tear us apart.


Quote About Friends Staying With You

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A best friend is not a just a friend,
but also like your soul
that stays with you and takes risks with you
with every step of your roles.

Chelsea Madden


Hold My Hand And Lean On Me

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Lean on me
when you are not strong,
and I'll carry you
all the way home.

- Cassandra Darden

Quote About What Is A Friend?

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A best friend is the one
who you can tell everything to
when no one else wants to listen

- Markie B. Hylinski

A Quote For Best Friends

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Our bond is extremely special
It is unique in its own way
We have something irreplaceable
I love you more and more each day

Margery Wang

Quote About What True Friendship Means

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Though there is gold up in the mountains,
lovely pearls deep in the sea,
those treasures do not mean as much
as your friendship means to me.

Alora M. Knight

Will Always Be There

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You are a best friend
that will always be there
because you are a best friend
that really cares.

- Brian Myers

Best Friends Are Angels

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Best friends are angels
that God sent along.
They always stay beside you
whenever things go wrong.

- Geraldine

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