Friendship Poetry Quotes - Page 4

31 - 40 of 131

 A Friend To Give Us A Hand Quote

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The road to a happy life
May sometimes make us stumble.
But to have a friend to give us a hand
Teaches us to be humble.

Valerie M.

Quote About A Friend In Need

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Through thick and thin,
up and down,
your true friends
are always around.

- Bea Williams


Don't Want To Say Goodbye

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I look up to you,
and I see a ray of sunshine shining in on me.
I knew God sent me one of his angels
when he sent you to me.

Asha Cook

False Friends and True Enemies

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If you are successful,
you will win false friends and true enemies.

Succeed anyway.

Kent M. Keith

31 - 40 of 131

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