Poetic Messages - Page 10

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The Miles Between Us

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The miles between us
can't keep us apart,
because we will keep
each other close at heart

- Amber S. Pence

First And Last

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So every time you look
at a twinkling star,
just remember that's me
smiling from afar.

- Claire

Don't Wait For Tomorrow

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Don't wait for tomorrow,
do it all today,
If tomorrow never comes,
you'll never regret a day.

Amy D. Liskey


Quote About Significant Other Giving Life Meaning

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I have found someone to miss
While he is away
Something to look forward to
When I wake up each day

Kacie Marie Pollard

Quote About Facing Each Day

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The bond between
a mother and daughter
is so strong that even
death cannot break it.

- Anita Hermalin

Quote About Sharing Your Life With A Lover

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To love is to share life together,
to build special plans just for two,
to work side by side
and then smile with pride
as one by one, dreams all come true.

Krina Shah

Quote About Mom And Daughter

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Because you are my mom,
you loved me enough to also be my friend.
You would be right there in ways
that no one could see or ever comprehend.

- Linda Arlene Fassett

For Her <3

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I promise to love you
for every moment of forever,
and when everything else crumbles,
I will never.

- Jamie Emms

Quote On Meaning Of Friendship

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Friends always
accept your past,
Support your present
And encourage your future.

Nicole Blaiser

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