26 Most Popular Poems by Edgar A. Guest

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  • Old Friends

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Friendship Poems

    It’s wonderful to have new friends, but old friends are the ones we want by our side during hard times because their friendship has been tried and true. Those friends understand us unlike anyone else because their devotion has stood the test of time. The dialect used in this poem gives a down to earth feel and informal tone. The author, Edgar Guest (1881-1959) was known as The People’s Poet.

    I do not say new friends are not considerate and true,
    Or that their smiles ain't genuine, but still I'm tellin' you
    That when a feller's heart is crushed and achin' with the pain,
    And teardrops come a-splashin' down his cheeks like summer rain,


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  • Only A Dad

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Family Poems

    Edgar Guest (1881-1959) was a prolific poet who wrote many encouraging messages about everyday life. This poem captures the essence of a man who loves his family so much to sacrifice for them day in and day out. While he doesn't have much, he works hard for his family and shows self-control and determination when things don't go his way. This poem uses rhyming couplets and the repetition of “only a dad” to create a well-structured piece.

    Only a dad, with a tired face,
    Coming home from the daily race,
    Bringing little of gold or fame,
    To show how well he has played the game,


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    Hello everyone. It’s a Monday morning, and I’ve just begun working, but somewhere in my mind throughout the day I keep remembering my dad and his deeds. No matter how tired I become, I still...

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  • A Friend's Greeting

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Holiday Poems

    Having a close friend is an incredible blessing. It means having someone who’s always there to listen and encourage. In this famous poem by Edgar Guest (1881-1959), he shares of all the great friendship qualities he’d like to return to someone who has displayed them to him. This poem is made up of octaves (eight-line stanzas). It also has a strong sense of structure since most of the stanzas begin with “I’d like to…”

    I'd like to be the sort of friend
    that you have been to me;
    I'd like to be the help that you've been
    always glad to be;


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    Edgar is so in touch with his higher self, therefore, bringing a deep resonance from my heart space just thinking of being loved, appreciated, and cherished in such a way! His speaking of...

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  • The Responsibility Of Fatherhood

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Family Poems

    Becoming a parent changes many things about your priorities and your outlook on life. In this famous poem, Edgar Guest (1881-1959) shares how life was before children and what changed once he became a father. The speaker realizes that he needs to be a better person because there’s a little one who will look up to everything he does, whether it’s good or bad. Edgar Guest wrote many poems on the topic of family. This poem is made up of octaves (eight line stanzas) that follow the rhyme scheme ABABCDCD.

    BEFORE you came, my little lad,
    I used to think that I was good,
    Some vicious habits, too, I had,
    But wouldn't change them if I could.


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  • It Couldn't Be Done

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Inspirational Poems

    Edgar Albert Guest (1881-1959) published more than twenty volumes of poetry and over 11,000 poems. His first published poem and many more were published in the Detroit Free Press where he was a columnist. He later had both popular radio and television shows. Guest has been called "the poet of the people." Of his poems he said, "I take simple everyday things that happen to me and I figure it happens to a lot of other people and I make simple rhymes out of them."

    Somebody said that it couldn’t be done
    But he with a chuckle replied
    That "maybe it couldn't," but he would be one
    Who wouldn't say so till he'd tried.


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    Yes, I too memorized this poem, probably over 70 years ago since I am now 85. I was looking it up today to be sure I was quoting it accurately in an e-mail to my son, bragging about...

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  • See It Through

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Inspirational Poems

    Many of the poems by Edgar Guest (1881-1959) are encouraging and share important life lessons. In this poem, he shares powerful advice about standing strong in the face of trials and dark days. The poetic technique of repetition is used at the end of each stanza with the line, “See it through.” That brings the reader's attention to the themes of courage and perseverance.

    When you’re up against a trouble,
    Meet it squarely, face to face;
    Lift your chin and set your shoulders,
    Plant your feet and take a brace.


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    I was feeling down, discouraged, confused and all sorts of unpleasant ways today. Going through a failed marriage, raising two young boys by myself, but moreover struggling with my own...

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  • At Christmas

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Holiday Poems

    Christmas is a time that seems to bring out the best in humanity, which famous poet Edgar Guest (1881-1959) captures in this poem. Christmas is a time of year that people are quicker to think of others above themselves, and they do not worry about the petty things that consume them throughout the year.

    A man is at his finest
    towards the finish of the year;
    He is almost what he should be
    when the Christmas season is here;


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    This poem by Edgar Guest touches my heart on so many levels! He speaks from his higher self, a heart-centered place which all of us are capable of living from and not just at Christmas time. ...

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  • The Stick-Together Families

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Family Poems

    There's nothing quite as valuable as family for those lucky enough to have one. That is the theme of this poem, The Stick-Together Families, published in 1917 in the book Just Folks by Edgar A. Guest from Detroit, Michigan. Guest (1881 -1959) wrote a poem a day, seven days a week for thirty years as a columnist for the Detroit Free Press. He was known as the People's Poet for his poems championing the traditional values of the typical American family of the first half of the 20th century.

    The stick-together families are happier by far
    Than the brothers and the sisters who take separate highways are.
    The gladdest people living are the wholesome folks who make
    A circle at the fireside that no power but death can break.


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    My husband was in the Navy when we met. We were from different states. When he was discharged, we decided to live in a state that was between our two states, making our travels home about...

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  • Can't

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Inspirational Poems

    In Edgar A. Guest's poem "Can't," the poet delivers a powerful message about the detrimental impact of the word "can't" on human potential. Through the use of vivid language and persuasive rhetoric, Guest portrays "can't" as a destructive force that weakens courage, hinders progress, and mocks aspirations. The poem employs strong imagery and personification to give life to the abstract concept of "can't," presenting it as a relentless enemy that must be despised and resisted. Guest's use of repetition, such as the recurring phrase "It springs from the lips," emphasizes the pervasive nature of the word and its insidious influence. By urging readers to reject "can't" and embrace determination and perseverance, the poem inspires a resilient mindset and serves as a call to action.

    Can't is the worst word that's written or spoken;
    Doing more harm here than slander and lies;
    On it is many a strong spirit broken,
    And with it many a good purpose dies.


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  • Home And The Office

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Family Poems

    Edgar Guest (1881-1959) shares valuable advice about enjoying time at home with your family, no matter the burdens that have been placed on your shoulders at work during the day. Home should be a place to let it all go and soak up the memories with those you love. Edgar Guest was known for writing poems about everyday life that had an encouraging message.

    Home is the place where the laughter should ring,
    And man should be found at his best.
    Let the cares of the day be as great as they may,
    The night has been fashioned for rest.


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