26 Most Popular Poems by Edgar A. Guest

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  • Clinching The Bolt

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Poems

    In the poem "Clinching The Bolt" by Edgar A. Guest, the poet reflects on the difference between those who do their work diligently and take pride in their craftsmanship and those who are careless and seek shortcuts. Through the imagery of a bolt that needs an extra turn to be secure, Guest highlights the importance of attention to detail and thoroughness in one's work. The poem contrasts two types of individuals: the slip-shod worker who is eager to finish quickly and the diligent worker who goes the extra mile to ensure the task is completed properly. The poem suggests that the small extra efforts and additional time invested in a task can make a significant difference in the outcome. Guest emphasizes the importance of taking pride in one's work and being thorough, as it ultimately leads to better results and fewer repairs in the long run.

    It needed just an extra turn to make the bolt secure,
    A few more minutes on the job and then the work was sure;
    But he begrudged the extra turn, and when the task was through,
    The man was back for more repairs in just a day or two.


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  • Home

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Family Poems

    Edgar Albert Guest (1881-1959) was born in England and moved with his family to America at age 10. He started working for the Detroit Free Press while still a teenager and went on to became a columnist for the newspaper, where for 30 years he published a new poem each day. This poem is also published in his book, It takes A Heap o' Livin' (1916). He was appointed Poet Laureate of Michigan in 1952. The purposeful grammar and spelling mistakes in the poem imply that the simple profound wisdom contained within are common knowledge to all.

    It takes a heap o' livin' in a house t' make it home,
    A heap o' sun an' shadder, an' ye sometimes have t' roam
    Afore ye really 'preciate the things ye lef' behind,
    An' hunger fer 'em somehow, with 'em allus on yer mind.


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    "Home" seems to capture so many concepts that both test families and bond them together. I heard this poem read by my aunts and uncles many times at family gatherings. It became ingrained in...

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  • Only A Dad

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Family Poems

    Edgar Guest (1881-1959) was a prolific poet who wrote many encouraging messages about everyday life. This poem captures the essence of a man who loves his family so much to sacrifice for them day in and day out. While he doesn't have much, he works hard for his family and shows self-control and determination when things don't go his way. This poem uses rhyming couplets and the repetition of “only a dad” to create a well-structured piece.

    Only a dad, with a tired face,
    Coming home from the daily race,
    Bringing little of gold or fame,
    To show how well he has played the game,


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    Hello everyone. It’s a Monday morning, and I’ve just begun working, but somewhere in my mind throughout the day I keep remembering my dad and his deeds. No matter how tired I become, I still...

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  • At Christmas

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Holiday Poems

    Christmas is a time that seems to bring out the best in humanity, which famous poet Edgar Guest (1881-1959) captures in this poem. Christmas is a time of year that people are quicker to think of others above themselves, and they do not worry about the petty things that consume them throughout the year.

    A man is at his finest
    towards the finish of the year;
    He is almost what he should be
    when the Christmas season is here;


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    This poem by Edgar Guest touches my heart on so many levels! He speaks from his higher self, a heart-centered place which all of us are capable of living from and not just at Christmas time. ...

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  • Thanksgiving

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Holiday Poems

    When children grow up and move away, it’s always special when they come back together for the holidays. It’s a chance for them to reminisce on days gone by and reconnect with each other. In this poem, though some family members moved into the city, when they come home, they are able to be who they truly are. This is seen with the use of dialect. Edgar Guest (1881-1959) wrote many poems that reflected the typical American in the first half of the 20th century.

    Gettin’ together to smile an’ rejoice,
    An’ eatin’ an’ laughin’ with folks of your choice;
    An’ kissin’ the girls an’ declarin’ that they
    Are growin’ more beautiful day after day;


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    The second to last stanza is so familiar. Edgar Guest so kindly reminds us of those who mean the most to us and are the ones we can let our hair down around. They speak of things only we...

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  • It's September

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Nature Poems

    Edgar Guest (1881-1959) captures the breathtaking beauty of September and how the world is transformed with hues of gold, orange, red, and yellow. In many of his poems, he used everyday experiences to capture more significant thoughts on life. When reflecting on the end of life, we can see that it is comparable to September, full and ripe, a life well-lived.

    It's September, and the orchards are afire with red and gold,
    And the nights with dew are heavy, and the morning's sharp with cold;
    Now the garden's at its gayest with the salvia blazing red
    And the good old-fashioned asters laughing at us from their bed;


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    I can see in my mind's eye all that Edgar shows, especially in the final stanza with his description of Nature coming to her end-of-the-year party dressed to the nines, ready to celebrate a...

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  • Story Telling

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Children Poems

    Children love to be told bedtime stories. The more the storyteller acts out, the more captivating the tale. This is an enjoyable poem about a father telling his children stories before bed. While the mother doesn’t fully understand why he makes such a scene, the children can’t get enough of their father’s made-up stories.

    Most every night when they're in bed,
    And both their little prayers have said,
    They shout for me to come upstairs
    And tell them tales of gypsies bold,


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    Grandpa sat with cigar at his side (rarely in his mouth), his bushy gray eyebrows and mustache crouched in intense concentration, a chess piece or book in hand in most of my memories. But...

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  • Being Brave At Night

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Children Poems

    During the day children are busy and don't have time to waste worrying about silly monsters, but children lying in bed at night waiting to fall asleep have lots of time to worry about invading giants, ghosts or elephants. To a child's mind, sticking close to an all powerful parent is actually a really sensible survival strategy.
    Being Brave At Night is published in the book Rhymes Of Childhood (1924), a collection of poems by Edgar A. Guest about home, childhood and family.

    The other night 'bout two o'clock, or maybe it was three,
    An elephant with shining tusks came chasing after me.
    His trunk was wavin' in the air an' spoutin' jets of steam
    An' he was out to eat me up, but still I didn't scream


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    This is truly a great poem describing the vivid imagination of children, and it does seem that children have an even deeper imagination when it comes to bedtime! I think this is a great poem...

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  • Keep Going

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Inspirational Poems

    Edgar Guest (1881-1959) was a prolific American poet – publishing a poem every day in the Detroit Free Press for 30 years. Known as the People’s Poet, Edgar Guest wrote easy-to-read poems about many relatable topics. He wrote encouraging life messages about topics such as family and work. This particular poem encourages readers not to give up when they are faced with challenges. Even when things are not going well, keep pushing on. You never know how close you are to success and making it to the other side.

    When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
    When the road you’re trudging seems all up hill,
    When the funds are low and the debts are high,
    And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,


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    I've had this poem on my desk for the past 40 years of my life. In my darkest moments, it's given me light and a way to look beyond the clouds around me. It's a classic motivational...

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  • The Stick-Together Families

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Family Poems

    There's nothing quite as valuable as family for those lucky enough to have one. That is the theme of this poem, The Stick-Together Families, published in 1917 in the book Just Folks by Edgar A. Guest from Detroit, Michigan. Guest (1881 -1959) wrote a poem a day, seven days a week for thirty years as a columnist for the Detroit Free Press. He was known as the People's Poet for his poems championing the traditional values of the typical American family of the first half of the 20th century.

    The stick-together families are happier by far
    Than the brothers and the sisters who take separate highways are.
    The gladdest people living are the wholesome folks who make
    A circle at the fireside that no power but death can break.


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    My husband was in the Navy when we met. We were from different states. When he was discharged, we decided to live in a state that was between our two states, making our travels home about...

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