10 Most Popular Poems by A. A. Milne

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  • Now We Are Six

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Children Poems

    A.A. Milne was an English author who lived from 1882-1956. He is best known for his stories about Winnie the Pooh, which were inspired by his son, Christopher Robin Milne's, stuffed animals. In this poem, a young child recounts the previous five years and how life was just beginning. But six, oh, six is the best year.

    When I was One,
    I had just begun.
    When I was Two,
    I was nearly new.


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    I remember my dad reading this poem to me when I turned 6! He read many poems and stories to me but this was one of my favorites! Did not realize it was Winnie the Pooh until recently. To...

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  • Wind On The Hill

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Children Poems

    The wind is a unique phenomenon. While we are unable to see it, we can see the result of it blowing. “Wind on the Hill” shows a child grappling with this understanding. A.A. Milne wrote books and poems for children. His most famous creation was Winnie the Pooh.

    No one can tell me,
    Nobody knows,
    Where the wind comes from,
    Where the wind goes.


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    This is beautiful! I love the description, and I will be using this for a presentation. Thank you so much for sharing. This is a question I think everyone has thought about at some point in...

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  • Waiting At The Window

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Children Poems

    “Waiting at the Window” is about a child looking outside on a rainy day. He could be wishing to be outside playing, but then he notices the raindrops falling down the window. As he continues to watch, he sees the rain drops falling, and he pretends the raindrops are in a race to see which one will get to the bottom of the window first.

    These are my two drops of rain
    Waiting on the window-pane.

    I am waiting here to see


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    Isn't it awesome how while there is rain we still have something to do!

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  • Halfway Down

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Children Poems

    “Halfway Down” is a poem written from a child’s perspective about the special spot in the middle of the staircase. What makes it special is it’s not at the top or bottom, it’s not upstairs or downstairs. It’s in a place all its own. Children have a wonderfully unique way of looking at the world.

    Halfway down the stairs
    Is a stair
    Where I sit.
    There isn't any


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    My mum and dad would read and recite all of AA Milne's poems and stories to the four of us in the early 1950's. There was one piece that I can vaguely remember; it was about a leather donkey...

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  • Vespers

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Children Poems

    "Vespers" was the first poem published by Alan Alexander Milne. Christopher Robin Milne, A.A. Milne’s son, was the inspiration for this poem, and it showcases him saying his prayers before going to bed.

    Little Boy kneels at the foot of the bed,
    Droops on the little hands little gold head.
    Hush! Hush! Whisper who dares!
    Christopher Robin is saying his prayers.


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    I also grew up with A.A. Milne and Childcraft books. "Vespers" is a special kind of magic that happens only a very few times in a person's life. When I was [or when we were] very young, the...

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  • Puppy And I

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Children Poems

    Looking for the perfect friend always ready to play? A puppy is the perfect playmate always ready to have fun!
    This poem by A.A. Milne, author of Winnie-the-Pooh, praises the qualities of the playful puppy.

    I met a Man as I went walking:
    We got talking,
    Man and I.
    "Where are you going to, Man?" I said


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  • Teddy Bear

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Children Poems

    "Teddy Bear" was first published in When We Were Very Young, a book of poetry by A. A. Milne.
    The teddy bear in this poem would later become the famous Winnie-the-Pooh from A. A. Milne's famous book series.

    A bear, however hard he tries,
    Grows tubby without exercise.
    Our Teddy Bear is short and fat,
    Which is not to be wondered at;


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    When I was 3 or 4, I recited this poem to the Bayridge Business and Professional Women's bridge club. My aunt and godmother, Margaret Desmond, was hosting them at my grandparents' house in...

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  • Sneezles

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Children Poems

    This humorous poem by A.A. Milne shows parents taking care of a child with a cold, but they are worrying about the symptoms turning into something worse. Christopher Robin, mentioned in this poem, was A.A. Milne’s son. Milne was the creator of Winnie the Pooh.

    Christopher Robin
    Had wheezles
    And sneezles,
    They bundled him


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    I am an 80-year-old woman who has just moved into a seniors' residence. Shortly after I arrived, COVID-19 did too! For over a month now, we have been kept in isolation from the rest of the...

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  • If I Were King

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Children Poems

    “If I Were King” is about a child dreaming of all the things he would do if he were the king. He would run the world differently than other kings by focusing on enjoyment. A.A. Milne started his writing career by writing funny articles for various magazines.

    I often wish I were a King,
    And then I could do anything.

    If only I were King of Spain,


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  • Us Two

    Famous Poem

    in Famous Friendship Poems

    In this poem, A.A. Milne (1882-1956), the creator of Winnie the Pooh, shows that having a friend by your side provides strength and courage. It also removes the fear we experience when we are alone. This is a narrative poem that tells a story.

    Wherever I am, there's always Pooh,
    There's always Pooh and Me.
    Whatever I do, he wants to do,
    "Where are you going today?" says Pooh:


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    Well my name is Rahma and my best friend is called Innocent. We have been friends for 10 years now since I was in primary school. He was good at math, and I was great in English. Our...

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