21. Autumn
I look outside my window and see the leaves
Changing color, one by one trickling to the ground.
Fall. It's in my grasp. My favorite season, the one I long for.
I take a deep breath. The crisp, cool, clean air tickles my nose.
I look outside my window and see the leaves
Changing color, one by one trickling to the ground.
Fall. It's in my grasp. My favorite season, the one I long for.
I take a deep breath. The crisp, cool, clean air tickles my nose.
Warm fall afternoons,
crisp cool eves with harvest moons,
crickets singing tunes,
I'm so happy you enjoyed "Hello Autumn." It has always been my favorite season of the year. I had to think of a way to sum it up completely for a Haiku style poem and this is what I came up...
Like crunchy cornflakes
Gold leaves rustle underfoot
Beauty in decay.
I like Haikus and I like this one very much. It goes to prove that just a few well-chosen words can say more effectively than pages full. I love the comparison of cornflakes to dead leaves...
The leaves are changing and so is the weather
It's time to put away the shorts and put on the sweater
Halloween is near and Thanksgiving is coming
My favorite time of year this is becoming
Wild winds whistle through Autumn's rustling leaves,
Trees of gold like amber flames sway softly with the rising breeze,
The cool crisp air of Autumn in the stillness of darkening skies,
Tender leaves fall gently, reflecting the tears of Autumn's cry.
Coolness fills the air
Scarves and sweaters everywhere
Fall weather is here
This poem helps me to experience the love of autumn! It's a great visual!
A flash of lightning streaks across the sky.
We huddle close beneath the trembling eaves
As thunder roars a nightmare lullaby
And strips the trees outside of summer leaves.
Hi! English teacher here... I have it included in class lessons! I love the imagery of the poem, and it's a sonnet my students can understand!
When Summer's silent song is done
And Autumn air has now begun,
Rustic red leaves
Drop from the tall trees.
The wind began to blow
And shook the trees
Heads turned up in unison
Witnessing a season of change
I love fall! It's my favorite season. Enjoy! Your poem is lovely.
Autumn leaves are falling
Soft, golden, and brown
The sun lends them a glowing hue
As they slide down to the ground.
The endless green of summer
Has turned to golds and reds,
While the leaves are all a flutter,
Making pillows for our heads.
Famous Poem
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;
It's an awesome poem!!
I really love it!!!
Famous Poem
Before the ice is in the pools—
Before the skaters go,
Or any check at nightfall
Is tarnished by the snow—
Autumn mornings,
Foggy and wet;
Dewy grass -
With diamonds beset.
Famous Poem
November now is here,
With skies of leaden hue,
And gloomy days and drear,
And winds that pierce us through.
Famous Poem
The laughing months have all tripped gaily by,
With flower entangled hair, lips thrilled with song;
But lingering behind the merry throng
Comes one with smile more sad than any sigh,
Famous Poem
So bright in death I used to say,
So beautiful through frost and cold!
A lovelier thing I know to-day,
The leaf is growing old,
September enters- Autumn's hazy days...
Warm golden sun, shadows dance and play.
Seeds are released, Finches feed their way,
Blackberries plump, ripened, have come to stay...
A misty morning -
Pumpkins in the air, while boots
Crunch on autumn leaves.