21. Veterans Day Limerick
There are times we want to forget,
Like when troubles and sadness we've met,
But this day in November
We'll always remember
There are times we want to forget,
Like when troubles and sadness we've met,
But this day in November
We'll always remember
So many in my family went to war. And most came back. I am lucky and want to recognize all the people who have lost their lives to protect you.
Behold the aging soldier. He's grown longer in the tooth.
He wears the scars of battle that had squandered all his youth.
Although his war has ended, he finds much to his dismay.
The demons that now haunt him just don't seem to go away.
They sacrificed their lives, entered the gates of hell,
Onward they stumbled, while all around them fell,
War weary, ragged, faces dirt encrusted, black.
Impatient for the whistle, ready for attack.
Veterans are men and women,
who fight because they care.
They give their lives to serve our country,
by land, by sea, or by air.
A tear ran down her cheek
As she read the words he wrote
His dad sat at the table
With a lump in his throat
My parents, my 22 yr old son, my husband, my 4 siblings, my sister's daughter and her son who grew up with my parents and is like a brother just passed 10 days ago.
When my son passed...
My grandfather was a farmer; his hands were hard and cracked
His words were soft and careful built from farming fact
The outside world was foreign, until it came to call
Taxation and enlistment for the betterment of all
Fallen heroes one by one,
In the news there's another one.
Whether they fight or whether they are on call,
It's time to thank them once and for all.
The honor guard stands sentinel and stiff-backed.
Their tears silently fall, for their brotherhood was forged in combat.
One of their own will be laid to rest,
Thank you so much for your kind words. They mean so much. I have put together a manuscript and have submitted to a couple of places where I did get contract offers, but they weren't what I...
I can remember the first time that I
saw your smiling face,
I held you close to my heart, you could
probably hear it race.
Wow!!!!!! A beautiful poem :D I love it, it's so touching
When I first came into this world,
You could not be there.
But Mommy promised every night
That you would always care.
My dad was killed weeks before I came into the world and only days before the horrible war ended, so he never knew the child he was expecting was a girl. I would give everything to give him...
Row upon row the poppies grow,
Each one a symbol to brave men we will never know.
They stood before us, they stood up straight,
Amidst the desert sands dawnings just begun,
battle rages on, bombing veils the rising sun.
A boy not yet a man holds a picture to his heart
of loved ones not forgotten though oceans keep them apart.
War has never been a better way to resolve conflicts but peace. For while war leave people displaced, maimed and killed, peace sure does the reverse. This poem is so touching. I love it.
(The book I've been reading rests on my knee,
you sleep.) (Wendy Cope)
I am trying to read, I cannot sleep,
A man walked up to me some time ago.
He had a story he wanted me to know.
He reached out his hand to shake mine,
A young boy playing games of war,
His imaginings filled with innocence, unaware of reality's horror.
He heard a voice filled with cadences being sung like hymns,
From year to year he drifts alone.
His story only few have known.
About a boy who went to war,
I pledge allegiance to the American Flag; forever may she wave.
God bless those covered with her as they're lowered to their grave.
We must not take for granted the freedoms that we share
and the soldiers that protect us in our darkest hour.
Waves lap against our boat
As we wait in the cold.
Wrap ourselves in our coat,
Waiting for the order to be told.
He is an armchair critic
Who likes to watch the news.
Staring at his old TV,
He mumbles as he views,
Wow, I love your poem.. Hats off to your old forgotten soldier.
My Marine so far from home.
Over seas, but not alone.
I hold you close in my thoughts and prayers.
Missing you through all my tears.