61. It's The Simple Things
It’s the simple things
that bring me joy
it’s being with you
that fills my soul
It’s the simple things
that bring me joy
it’s being with you
that fills my soul
Famous Poem
I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
This is what I like reading. I love it! It reads so calm and peaceful, so soft and warm. You did an excellent job.
You are the only one
who can save you
no one else can
do it for you
When you stop trying
to fit into a world
that you don’t belong to anymore,
you grow
I wake up each day
On this journey of mine,
Grabbing each moment
Of my limited time.
I just love your work, as I've said so often before. I hate to think of you ever feeling down, as you do so much to lift up others with your writing. All the very best, Ann.
He danced as a buck,
sang as an elder and
beat a drum as long as he was able.
I can't prevent attitudes
from knocking upon my door,
but I decide which to let in
and which ones to ignore.
I watch the hands on the clock tick by
And I wonder where time goes.
Will this be the year to end all years?
Well, only God can know.
Excellent poem, as always. Keep writing...
Very best wishes,
I don't mind accolades
freely passed on my way,
I'll take encouragement
gladly, any given day.
I can't be certain, but I believe we have met before.
There's an eerie connection between us; of this I'm very sure.
You seem so familiar like our paths have crossed somehow.
I wonder maybe in a dream or a memory long past now.