41. The Irreplaceable
If you foolishly spend your money,
you can always earn some more.
If you happen to melt your sundae,
If you foolishly spend your money,
you can always earn some more.
If you happen to melt your sundae,
Famous Poem
Start where you stand and never mind the past,
The past won't help you in beginning new,
If you have left it all behind at last
Why, that's enough, you're done with it, you're through;
Get annoyed with someone
And explode in fury
But later after calming down
You'd look back
We are never finished products,
No matter how long we live.
There's always something we can add,
Like learning to forgive.
What are the lessons that we so deeply need to learn?
Are they lessons of making things better and bright?
Are they lessons of change making things right?
What are we meant for? What does God have planned for us? We all have a purpose; that's what keeps us going, to keep living, to find out what we are meant to do in the world. God chooses our...
We never know if we're right
If we're not willing to be wrong.
We never know how far we'd go
If we never fight hard and long.
A wonderful poem and so true...
If we live in wait and hesitate, who knows what a future we would make. Life can change in an instant. Nothing is for sure. We should if we could take any...
Have you ever fought an ego?
It's a pretty tough thing to beat
It has no face, no head, no heart
It has no hands or feet
Wonder what it's like to be scared every day,
Knowing war and destruction are on the way?
Not able to run and play in the park,
Never camp out in the yard after dark.
When I was young and insecure,
And desperate to be liked.
I tended to withdraw in pain
And flee instead of fight.
You can be unhappy and still be in love.
You can be in love and still walk away.
You can walk away and still feel the weight of loss.
You can feel the weight of loss and still stand tall.
Famous Poem
One hundred years the mill has stood:
One hundred years the dashing flood
Has turned the wheel with roaring sound,
Through foaming waters, round and round.
Time passes all so quickly,
Moments melting into years.
It's true, time waits for no one,
And the end is always near.
Another lovely poem, Patricia - keep them coming. Very best wishes, Ann
I know forgiveness is good for my soul and my health.
A smile on my face is definitely my personal wealth.
I've lived too long holding a grudge
And found out if I wanted it to end I had to budge,
Life is like a journey on the number 24 bus,
So welcome aboard, young one; come, sit here with the rest of us.
Let's hope you're going to be on here for more than just a while.
Look out of the window, young one, and enjoy every single mile.
I keep pulling
on my roots
urging them to grow
impatient for the bloom
A life won't do you favors
There's no map for roads to take
Experience is our only guide
Sometimes your best isn't enough
And happiness comes after sorrow
Life isn't always going to be rough
Yet, I can't speak for tomorrow
I sat at the bedside
of a dying man.
With tears in his eyes,
he reached for my hand.
Famous Poem
I looked through others' windows
On an enchanted earth,
But out of my own window-
Solitude and dearth.
We sometimes complain that times are rough.
Money is tight and the going is tough.
The problem of life seems to conspire
To shake you, break you, and drag you through mire