41. Stalwart
Vagaries of this life can be
Tough and hard to fathom,
And yet have they conquered me?
Look how far I've come.
Vagaries of this life can be
Tough and hard to fathom,
And yet have they conquered me?
Look how far I've come.
This is definitely an inspirational poem. Everyone has challenges in life, but how we deal with them is crucial to our own well-being. My favorite stanza was the second!
To be kind,
I must think.
To be selfless,
It's not about me.
So well done. It's an important message and I like your style. Very good job. Self-improvement and introspection can be tough jobs but well worth the effort.
Even when those storm winds are blowing,
I'll stand and fight them knowing
I'm not alone,
Not on my own.
This poem is a supportive one and thoughtful too, so it is one that is of benefit to others, who may be going through similar experiences.
Take a bow, lovely one.
Because you’re tired
And still you’re doing it.
You’re feeling empty
I'm convinced that those close to you are grateful to know you and to have you around. This is a very uplifting and motivating piece. I like it. Thanks again.
Famous Poem
these hips are big hips
they need space to
move around in.
they don't fit into little
Work what you've got and be proud of it. Someone else probably wishes they had what you've got.
Along a path, there was a bush,
That grew in marshy ground.
Its branches thick and laden down,
With berries big and round.
You're breaking the cycle
Its starts with you today
So with that power
This I want you to say
In life's symphony, my note dances astray,
A unique tale unfolding, forging my own way.
Within the labyrinth of conformity's grip,
I defy the mold, embracing my own script.
through struggle and pain,
As a rainbow appears
only after the rain.
One word can start a friendship,
One kiss a love affair,
One smile can bring you laughter,
One hug can show you care,
I can't wait to hold you in my arms
And kiss your tiny nose.
Cherish every moment,
Knowing just how fast you'll grow.
Into this world I came,
The light of the sun,
On my face I craved.
In the cool breezing wind,
Each morning of this month
When you rise upon your bed,
May it be with renewed grace
To face the day ahead.
Famous Poem
With doubt and dismay you are smitten
You think there's no chance for you, son?
Why, the best books haven't been written
The best race hasn't been run,
Start off with faith and trust in God.
Then add courage; you'll need a lot.
Take a few dreams and lots of inspiration;
Mix them with passion and dedication.
When your mind is set
On a splendid thing you want to do,
There are some who will shrug,
Like you don't have a clue.
Pick up your broken pieces.
Don't leave them on the ground.
They're screaming, crying, wailing.
What a sad and terrible sound.
Keep smiling throughout the day
To keep your tensions at bay,
Like a stroke of magical ray,
To make others happy and gay.