41. Even When
Even when those storm winds are blowing,
I'll stand and fight them knowing
I'm not alone,
Not on my own.
Even when those storm winds are blowing,
I'll stand and fight them knowing
I'm not alone,
Not on my own.
This poem is a supportive one and thoughtful too, so it is one that is of benefit to others, who may be going through similar experiences.
This is your time
to no longer be who you were,
to rise from the embers,
to be guided by Her.
You're breaking the cycle
Its starts with you today
So with that power
This I want you to say
There's a need for more bridges than fences
There's a need for more love and less hate
There's a need for more laughers than critics
There's a need for more use and less waste
Thank you so much for the kind outreach and encouraging words! I can only hope to inspire others with a vast collection like you someday! I love your poetry and have learned a lot by your...
In life's symphony, my note dances astray,
A unique tale unfolding, forging my own way.
Within the labyrinth of conformity's grip,
I defy the mold, embracing my own script.
through struggle and pain,
As a rainbow appears
only after the rain.
I feel like an imposter
Like I'm not good enough
I firmly believe in writing for well-being, it helped me enormously through my husband's terminal illness. People on Family Friends are so kind with their comments and encouragement. So,...
Into this world I came,
The light of the sun,
On my face I craved.
In the cool breezing wind,
Life's like a book -- a chapter, a page.
Remembering our youth as fast as we age.
Life is a song; we choose what to sing.
Living is hard; what will it bring?
An inspirational poem, equipped with sunshine as well as black clouds hovering over our head. A poem so appealing to recite again and again! I love the following lines...
* Roots never...
Very insightful. Self-love can be (and maybe should be) the first love we encounter. Even when we're not perfect.
Start off with faith and trust in God.
Then add courage; you'll need a lot.
Take a few dreams and lots of inspiration;
Mix them with passion and dedication.
Child, stand strong holding your head up high,
Believe me, your life path is far from over,
For a moment, you may wince in wrenching pain and cry,
Not knowing you'll soon find your own four-leafed clover.
Thanks Ann! Yes, writing the poem has helped me and like you, l find writing poems quite therapeutic. So sorry to hear about your husband's terminal illness. I hope you continue to find...
Sometimes you may think you're alone,
And your feelings make you seem like a clone.
Deep down you are whole,
Not an empty bowl.
Life has never been easy for me. I was born into a broken home, and I suffered a lot of things.
Pick up your broken pieces.
Don't leave them on the ground.
They're screaming, crying, wailing.
What a sad and terrible sound.
Keep smiling throughout the day
To keep your tensions at bay,
Like a stroke of magical ray,
To make others happy and gay.
Catch your dream, don't let it go
'cause time is faster than you'll ever know.
No matter what, don't give up on what you believe.
When you give, you'll always receive.
We are on this planet for a limited span of time;
Validity of our life's visa can end anytime.
Begin your day with enthusiasm and end with satisfaction;
Strong people can
feel weak and
brave people can
feel afraid and