41. Dominate The Day
Dark forests are filled with birds and trees
Sun shines through the clouds with ease
There might be darkness, but the light won't cease
To dominate the day.
Dark forests are filled with birds and trees
Sun shines through the clouds with ease
There might be darkness, but the light won't cease
To dominate the day.
We can get back what we lost.
We can replenish the treasure taken.
We can enjoy a better way.
But it will take work.
Thank you so much for stopping by and taking the time to leave your thoughtful words.
Have you ever felt trapped behind metal bars,
Or watched all your cuts turn to scars?
Have you tried to escape the pain in your soul,
But you just couldn't seem to fit that hole?
Have faith
that although it may seem
like the good has come and gone,
there will be better.
Wow! I love it. My kind of writing. Short, to the point with powerful words, and a great message. I have witnessed firsthand how better has come, many times.
You slipped and fell
We all have too
So please don't think
That it's just you
I truly appreciate the outreach, Ann! Your encouraging words help me to believe that I'm, hopefully, at least touching a few hearts... which is all we can ask for really as we share a piece...
May you know you are loved,
Every step of the way,
May you always have time,
For one another each day.
I believe the beating in our hearts
was put there to remind us
that even when we feel alone in the world,
a part of us marches on,
You get through the bad days
because you have no other choice.
There is nothing else you can do
but hold tightly to your smile
Of this I am certain:
your heart is a tender
wound that will always heal,
wears grace like a grown,
I had a little seed that I had found upon the ground,
I kept it in my pocket where it was safe and sound.
What may it be, this tiny little seed, now tucked inside my cloak,
could it be a sugar maple, or perhaps a mighty oak?
We are soft and feminine,
Pretty and stylish,
We are strong in heart,
We keep going on and on,
baby, during the nights when the midnight sky
falls heavily onto your bones and wraps you
in its melancholic embrace
If you could see beyond your weeping tears,
To where the sunshine sparkles once again,
Then would those drops of pain be free from fears,
And you'd recall that gardens need the rain.