21. Paranoia
I know you're there.
Lurking in the darkness of the night,
Cowering in the shadows, avoiding the light,
Crouched behind the curtain or hid beneath the bed,
I know you're there.
Lurking in the darkness of the night,
Cowering in the shadows, avoiding the light,
Crouched behind the curtain or hid beneath the bed,
Famous Poem
I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions.
Whatever I see I swallow immediately
Just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike.
I am not cruel, only truthful,
A mirror never lies. It shows what is what exactly. Just as Plath writes: "I am silver and exact". The truth of our mortality is what we keep on negating and the speaker too finds it hard to...
You made me run away
from those who loved me anyway.
You pushed me down into the vanity,
blindfolded me from every reality.
Thank you, Eric. Yes, fear usually keeps us away from our desires. It makes us doubt our own ability, and we spend our whole life thinking that we are not good enough, but the moment we...
you run in fear
you walk in fear
you hide in fear
you show in fear
This poem reminded me of how I used to be. My case is not that bad but it was really heavy on me. It took many years to recover.
When you see your friend again, please tell her there is...
Boom. Boom. Boom.
The rhythmic sound wakes me
From a deep, peaceful sleep
What could it be?
his belt hung on the wall,
in the backroom where he victimized me;
as mom tried to stop it
the door slammed shut, click,