21. Last Resort
A plethora of predicaments race in my mind at best.
Which one can I fathom to ponder about next?
Shall I even think of acting upon what my mind stirs about,
or cry my soul asleep by this never-ending drought?
A plethora of predicaments race in my mind at best.
Which one can I fathom to ponder about next?
Shall I even think of acting upon what my mind stirs about,
or cry my soul asleep by this never-ending drought?
I grew up watching my dad and mum argue every single night, he bashed her, over and over again. If it hurt me and I was only watching, imagine being her. Attacked with a chair, with a beer...
I'm running out of breath.
I can't believe it's so hard to breathe.
My heart's pounding in my chest
As I wonder if IT found me.
This is so special because I was scared to death of coming out to my family as gay for years. Then one day, I looked myself in the eyes and saw the fear leave my body. It was indeed a very...
I lie on my bed, soaking my pillow with my tears.
I try to remember exactly what it is that I fear.
Is it the passing of time or the love that I lack?
Is it the mistakes that I've made or the fact that I can't bring the past back?
I deal with the same things every day...the depression of my past and the pain that I have lived through with traumatizing moments since I was a young child. Growing up, I've been through a...
Someday the gates will open,
and once more I'll be free.
A fact that makes me wonder,
"What will become of me?"
I am a female who is out on parole. I spent 5 years of my life in prison for my crime. They said my punishment was for rehabilitation, but instead they just locked me away. I didn't learn how...
We struggle to have meaning
in this world, which we all know.
We try, but yet we wonder
where we all should go.
Poetry is life, it gives hope to the hopeless and stimulates courage.
He's the hunter of utterance of destruction
He sleeps when I'm awake
I long to hear him whisper
To give my ears a break
That poem was so deep and thoughtful. I can tell that the author put much effort into it to write it. It inspired me because I have been verbally bullied before and I like to write poems...