41. Life's Own Battle
Didn't want a battle,
Yet you declared war,
Each knock you gave me made me stronger than before.
I will not give up,
Didn't want a battle,
Yet you declared war,
Each knock you gave me made me stronger than before.
I will not give up,
That’s so true if you stop and consider how our lives unfold or grow. It is a constant battle to fight the wars in order to keep a balanced, steady life. That's why we have God, so we can...
Famous Poem
when I watch you
wrapped up like garbage
sitting, surrounded by the smell
of too old potato peels
If I could, I would remove all your fears
If I could, I would remove all your tears
If I could, I would make life painless
If I could, I would give you all your courage
A hero to me is not just a person who died for their country
or went inside a burning building or stuff like that.
A hero to me is a single mother who survives every day by herself,
A teenager against all odds getting through life,
I really connected with your poem. It was heart wrenching and it got me thinking about everything in my life and how we live. This is coming from a child born into a single parent home, so...
Life is unfair; sometimes the misery we can't bear.
This was a feeling I could never share.
I am strong, strong enough to move on from this pain.
I won't feel the shame; my life is not a game.
I can also relate to your story when I was 28 years old I suffered from 2 ruptured brain aneurysms. I learned later than it was a miracle of God that I had survived because 99 percent of...
Sometimes we see things that aren't meant to be seen.
Sometimes things aren't always as they seem.
Sometimes we need someone to call our own,
Especially when we're alone.
It has been said that life is the most patient teacher. You will be presented with the same experience over and over until you learn the best way to deal with the situation. This is not...