41. Looking Out For Others
What does it take to be a volunteer?
Must you travel afar, or is there someplace near
Where there is a need that is evident--
Where someone would think you were heaven sent
What does it take to be a volunteer?
Must you travel afar, or is there someplace near
Where there is a need that is evident--
Where someone would think you were heaven sent
Sometimes the light will shine through.
It makes its way to the surafce to show you
That within all this mess and chaos,
There is still a spark to help us when we're at a loss.
I stand here in the field alone;
I'm a dandelion with no home.
The people never water me.
They say, "That's no flower, just a weed."
I was in a room the other day
Where seeds were being planted.
I could only hope and pray
Their growth would not be granted.
It's sometimes easy to think
We have nothing to give;
Yet we often have more to offer
Than we tend to believe.
If I provoke a smile, hear laughter rise,
Bring a sparkle into someone's eyes,
If I ease the loneliness of one soul,
Wipe away a tear, a broken heart console,
The cost of a smile isn't much,
although many people act as such.
We all have our problems of struggle and strife,
but a smile will help in anyone's life.
If only
We'd have helping hands that lead,
Open arms accepting those in need,
Not fingers pointing out misdeeds.
Sticks and stones may break my bones,
but words will never hurt me.
That old saying is such nonsense.
If you have helped one single person
To overcome a prejudicial mind,
You have made an angel sing.
Is there anything as tranquil
As a brightly glowing jonquil
That stands in sweet serenity,
A part of nature's tapestry?
I am beautiful,
I am powerful,
I am desireable,
Boys love me,
Just for today,
Can we forget about race,
Colour, religion
And who isn't 'straight'
Have you ever asked
Why the singing bird sings?
Why people help people
Without gaining a thing?
After I knew the person you showed the world,
I searched for the person you are.
He was nowhere around
Where was he to be found?
The first time that we saw you
That shy angelic face,
We knew you'd make a nation proud
With dignity and grace.
Famous Poem
A blade of grass is bending
Above the moaning stream,
In sympathy is blending
Where troubles only seem.
I wish you could see the world through my eyes.
You'd understand me better and release fewer sighs.
There's so much that goes on inside my head.
When a smile can lift a fallen soul
Or a loving touch make one whole
If just one heart we can console
Our Song of Love we can't withhold