21. Seeds Of Growth
Water the seed, and a plant will grow.
Feed the plant, and a tree will grow.
Give a tree room, and it will bloom.
A seed to a plant,
Water the seed, and a plant will grow.
Feed the plant, and a tree will grow.
Give a tree room, and it will bloom.
A seed to a plant,
I had an idea of what being a father was. But, as I had my own children, becoming a father made me reflect and change completely my relationship with my parents and what I conceived as being...
You are so deceiving.
When you come into my life,
You make me feel the best I can,
I was going through emails and I saved all the poems of the week so I could go back and read them when I was done. I read kinda fast through them because I usually don't reply or really give...
Famous Poem
Can't is the worst word that's written or spoken;
Doing more harm here than slander and lies;
On it is many a strong spirit broken,
And with it many a good purpose dies.
Famous Poem
Let America be America again.
Let it be the dream it used to be.
Let it be the pioneer on the plain
Seeking a home where he himself is free.
The earth spins like a rolling ball.
Stars shine bright then fade away.
Darkness melts and turns to light.
The sunrise starts another day.
I want to change the world
I want to impact it so deep
That I reach the core
I want to change the meaning of peace
Incredibly vivid, I can create images in my mind. People would also agree with you, like me. Good job, well done!
The clouds never break
Like blue waters do
On this Island of Pain.
How can I stand true?
Famous Poem
Men at forty
Learn to close softly
The doors to rooms they will not be
Coming back to.
I can feel my heart beating beneath my chest.
Why do you scream at me? All I do is my best.
My life is a nightmare, only I am awake.
Why was it my fault? Where was my mistake?
I get it. It's the same for me except it's my mom that hates me. I'm afraid of her, and you literally just described what goes on in my house with her.
I paused to stand and watch a man who had come to the road's divide.
My wonder soared as I watched his stare slowly shift from side to side.
He stood as if not noticing that many passed him by.
They moved without a second glance down the road most traveled by.
Letting go doesn’t
always look how you think it will.
Sometimes it happens all at once.
Sometimes it’s in phases.
Amongst the midnight sky,
I stare at a rose as it dies.
Its pedals are torn and bruised,
This poem!! I felt a tug in my heart because it was truly a story of truth from your heart! Very well expressed, and I can't say but one thing more. If we keep our ears open we learn from...
Try as I may, try as I do,
there are days when I wish
I could go back
to the girl I used to be
I’ve been black long enough.
Long enough to know about the middle passage
Men, women, children, regardless of age
Back in the day, life was so clear
Families gathered and shared in the cheer
We spent our Pounds, Schillings and Pence
A time when our society had more sense
Wow, a telling reminiscence. Looks like we've come a long way. But there is hope, especially with poems like this to remind and encourage us towards better living.
She was scared to let go.
She was worried that everything might fall apart.
But she felt this heaviness, every day, growing in her heart.
So she took a deep breath.
Great job. I really like it. Putting on our wings and taking another chance could be the very best thing for us.
Dozens of times
throughout your life,
you’ll outgrow what
you thought you
I heard the voices scream
“Nigger, best shut your mouth.”
When prejudice ran wild
While hatred ruled the south