Jewish Holiday Poems

Jewish Holiday Poems

Poems about Jewish Holidays

Since the diaspora, coming together at holidays and celebrating Jewish heritage and culture is an important part of a Jew's religious identity and experience. Lighting candles at Hanukah, breaking glasses at weddings to remember the destruction of the Temple, sharing a Seder meal to commemorate the Passover, are all traditions to remember ties to the past and to each other. These rituals tie everyone together in culture, tradition and religion. Sharing in the holidays is a remembrance of millennia of history and customs. They bring the past into the present and Jews from around the world together in one purpose

5 Jewish Holiday Poems

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  1. 1. Never Shall I Forget

    Famous Poem

    Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, that turned my life into one long night seven times sealed.
    Never shall I forget that smoke.
    Never shall I forget the small faces of the children whose bodies I saw transformed into smoke under a silent sky.
    Never shall I forget those flames that consumed my faith for ever.

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  3. 2. The Feast Of Freedom

    Famous Poem

    I REMEMBER in my childhood
    From my grandfather I heard
    Charming tales of gone-by ages
    That my soul so deeply stirred.

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    Featured Shared Story

    Hopefully for the Jewish community spring will soon arrive.

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  5. 3. The Eternal Riddle

    Famous Poem

    Israel, my people,
    God's greatest riddle,
    Will thy solution
    Ever be told

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    Featured Shared Story

    I admire the Jewish nations fortitude and courage, they are fighting against the evil in this world, I do believe God is on their side.

  6. 4. Chanukah Lights

    Famous Poem

    I KINDLED my eight little candles,
    My Chanukah-candles--and lo!
    Fair visions and dreams half-forgotten
    To me came of years long ago.

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  7. 5. After Auschwitz

    Famous Poem

    as black as a hook,
    overtakes me.
    Each day,

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