Famous Sad Poems - Page 3

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  1. 41. London

    In the streets of London, William Blake paints a portrait of a city burdened with suffering and oppression. From the marked faces of weakness and woe to the cries of anguish and the shackles of the mind, he captures the harsh realities of a society where even the most vulnerable, like chimney sweepers and soldiers, bear the weight of their circumstances. Amidst the curses of harlots and the tears of infants, Blake reveals the dark underbelly that plagues the institution of marriage. Through his poignant words, he offers a glimpse into the complex tapestry of London's existence.

    Famous Poem

    I wander thro' each charter'd street,
    Near where the charter'd Thames does flow.
    And mark in every face I meet
    Marks of weakness, marks of woe.


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  3. 42. The Lesson

    In the poem "The Lesson" by Paul Laurence Dunbar, the speaker reflects on his own sadness and loneliness as he sits by his window, listening to the passionate song of a mockingbird in the cypress grove. The poet uses imagery to convey the deep emotions, describing his life as a "cold winter that knew no spring" and his mind as "weary and sick and wild." However, as he listens to the bird's song, a transformative thought enters his heart, inspiring him to use his own art to bring comfort to others. The poet employs metaphor, comparing the songs that emerge from the darkness of hearts to the joyous songs of the mockingbird in the cypress grove. Through his simple art of singing a lay, the speaker finds solace and realizes the power of comforting others to heal his own wounds

    Famous Poem

    My cot was down by a cypress grove,
    And I sat by my window the whole night long,
    And heard well up from the deep dark wood
    A mocking-bird's passionate song.


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