Famous Sad Poems - Page 3

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  1. 41. After Auschwitz

    Anne Sexton's poem "After Auschwitz" is a powerful emotional response to the Holocaust and slaughter of 6 million innocent Jewish men, women and children.. The speaker expresses anger towards the atrocities committed and questions why death doesn't seem to take those who deserve it. She condemns the men responsible for the Holocaust and suggests that all humanity must now bear guilt. For the depravity that the Nazis exhibited, demonstrated that all of us are capable of the same and that is a burden humanity must forever bear.

    Famous Poem

    as black as a hook,
    overtakes me.
    Each day,


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  3. 42. Does It Matter?

    Siegfried Sassoon's "Does it Matter?" uses a biting tone to expose the societal disconnect from the realities of war. Through a series of rhetorical questions about the impact of severe injuries, the poem presents a sarcastic view of how society might respond. Dismissive suggestions of "kindness" and "splendid work" for the wounded highlight the lack of true understanding for the physical and mental scars soldiers carry. The poem challenges readers to confront the true cost of war and question if society truly values the sacrifices made by veterans.

    Famous Poem

    Does it matter?—losing your leg? . . .
    For people will always be kind,
    And you need not show that you mind
    When the others come in after hunting


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