Famous Inspirational Poems - Page 3

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  1. 41. It Might Have Been

    Ella Wheeler Wilcox (1850-1919) uses this poem to show that people have the power to make their own destiny. Most of the stanzas start with “We will (be/do/climb),” which brings attention to the belief that we will each become what we set out to become. This poem is made up of quatrains (four-line stanzas) that follow the ABAB rhyme scheme. Although Ella Wheeler Wilcox was born to poor family and received many rejection letters for her poetry, she remained optimistic and kept working hard for what she wanted.

    Famous Poem

    We will be what we could be. Do not say,
    "It might have been, had not or that, or this."
    No fate can keep us from the chosen way;
    He only might who is.


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  3. 42. Don't Take Your Troubles To Bed

    In the poem "Don't Take Your Troubles To Bed" by Edmund Vance Cooke, the poet advises against carrying the burdens of the day into the realm of sleep. Through concise and straightforward language, the poem offers a simple yet profound message. The poet uses rhyme and rhythm to create a lyrical quality, enhancing the poem's flow. The repeated refrain emphasizes the importance of leaving worries and troubles behind at the end of the day. The personification of Death adds a sense of urgency and reminds the reader of the fleeting nature of life. Ultimately, the poem urges readers to find solace and peace in sleep by releasing their troubles and embracing the restful respite of the night.

    Famous Poem

    You may labor your fill, friend of mine, if you will;
    You may worry a bit, if you must;
    You may treat your affairs as a series of cares,
    You may live on a scrap and a crust;


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