41. My Farmer Father
My father is a farmer.
His heart is in the soil
It's there he finds his solace,
Among the grimy toil.
My father is a farmer.
His heart is in the soil
It's there he finds his solace,
Among the grimy toil.
This is the best poem I've ever laid eyes on! I, too, have a farmer father, and this poem fits him perfectly. Daddy told me once that he feels closest to God when he is in the fields. Thank,...
Analysis of Form and Technique
To a dad who is terrific,
To a dad who's real neat,
To a dad who makes the best of things,
Even when they're not so sweet!
I have to tell you how I feel
Sometimes my words may not seem real
You do what you do to make me laugh when I cry
This poem had me crying so hard!! It's a great poem.
My father's love never places judgment on me,
his love comes unconditional and unselfishly.
For all the things you've done to show how much you care,
I am so glad to have stumbled upon this poem. In my moment of grief, this has given me the strength to strive to be a dad like this for my two daughters. Many thanks and much love.
Though you're not his father as far as bloodlines go,
You are the only daddy this child will ever know.
You've held his hand and guided his path,
Creating a bond that forever will last.
A real dad is someone who sticks around to care for you. A biological dad is there when you’re born. I have a real dad now, and I am proud to call him my father.
My daddy looks tough as nails
And hard as metal.
But the truth is easy to tell
He's sweet and loving
I love my Daddy so much. He was my best friend. I love him so much. I still cry. I won't get another best friend. It hurts too much. I try to be the best person I can be and would help anyone...
The fears of a father in this world are not few.
Over time they may shift in their shape, shade, or hue,
But the one that keeps calling, keeps knocking my door,
"What happens when she doesn't need me anymore?"
You are so right to value the time you have together now - I cannot believe how quickly time has fled. However, I look back and feel blessed for such treasured memories. Very best wishes, Ann.
Being a father to a son
brings a man's heart so much joy.
You can't imagine your world
without this wonderful little boy.
A father is a person who loves and respects you.
He is honest and he never neglects you.
He is the greatest that your eyes will ever see.
No other man like him will there ever be.
A father is a man who gives you enough room to make mistakes as you grow, crawl before you walk and watch you stubble along the way.
He'll give you enough space to waddle in your...
I have the very perfect dad,
That is something anyone could see.
But I don't know if I've told him
Exactly what he means to me.
Wow, this is a beautiful poem. I love it. I can tell you wrote this poem from your heart.
I was not sure what to get you
On this very special day
So I decided to write this poem from my heart
I have some things I need to say:
Through you I have learned to show dedication. Even though it has been hard times but in future I know that you will always be with me as well as I will be with you Amen
Although you're not my birth dad,
You've loved me since I was small,
The road has not always been easy.
You are the one who held me tight,
Rocked my cradle all through night,
Cuddled me dearly when I was in fright.
Oh Pa, you will always be my shining knight.
I remember the times
You'd flip me onto your shoulder
Freefalling skyward
Taller, older
This poem so reminds me of the relationship my Daddy and I had. He had a major surgery in 1971 and because of that and the effects of the anesthesia, his decline began. It took a while for us...
The child held to her
daddy's hand.
She stood upon his feet,
and as they danced to the music,
I loved the poem but I really can't relate to it because it was hard for my dad when he was growing up because he never had anyone like the little girl does in the poem. He never had a father...
Fathers, daughters, a timeless bond
Vaster than oceans, tranquil as ponds
My FATHER is gone
I lost my dad 9 months ago now and it is still hard for me to come to terms with the loss. This poem has given me great comfort especially as it is the first Christmas without him.
Brightly-lit eyes speak to me,
Of all that your little heart wants to be.
With lots of excitement and warm tenderness
Come hold my hand, my darling princess.
Famous Poem
Old women say that men don't know
The pain through which all mothers go,
And maybe that is true, and yet
I vow I never shall forget
Socks glide across the kitchen floor,
Arms spin me around once more.
Best time I ever had,
Was dancing with my Dad.
Famous Poem
You do not do, you do not do
Any more, black shoe
In which I have lived like a foot
For thirty years, poor and white,